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Archiving Characters and Handouts

May 11 (12 years ago)
I'm using Roll20 to play a very long campaign that my players and I have been playing for 10+ years. Needless to say, the gameworld has a lot of characters/locations/crap in it. I've been laying some groundwork in my roll20 game, creating profiles for all of the characters, etc. and I'm already at about 80 character tabs. It's pretty frustrating having to scroll through a huge list everytime I want to "talk as" one of the characters in my game, especially because there doesn't seem to be a way to reorder how they appear in the list. Is there anyway to archive characters and handouts in an "inactive" folder so that I can bring them out when needed but that they aren't always cluttering up the UI?
May 11 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Being able to group them in other ways might be useful too... group them by a re-nameable category in an expandable/collapsible folder system?

If that's possible, and using the OP as an example, you could have a folder named Inactive that you could drag NPCs to.

Or you could name folders by in-game areas/locations or factions.
May 11 (12 years ago)
That could work too. Another solution (to at least the problem of having too many darn characters to "talk as" in chat) is to add a button to the character window like "Appears in chat list" that would be checked by default but could be turned off when the character is unlikely to appear in that session.
May 11 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
For some reason even having the PCs names in the drop down as a GM is distracting to me, having a whole slew of NPCs added to the list would be worse still.

Fortunately I'm still in the early parts of my campaign - that wonderful, naive carefree "monster of the week" stage where the players are getting used to working with each other in their new roles and with new players and gaining a couple of levels along the way, so no recurring villains *yet*, and any NPCs are usually some flavour of "Some Bloke In the Pub", "Figure of Authority", "Swarthy Merchant of Negotiable Trustworthiness" or "Angry/Violent/Threatening Thing".

But, I'd still like being able to turn off names in the dropdown.

This is, of course, assuming all this is doable... WE NEED A DEV IN HERE, STAT!
May 12 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Well, here's the deal on this. Although we call them "campaigns", I think it's very unlikely you're going to want to run an entire hundred-playsession campaign with your group with just one Roll20 Campaign. In fact, I've been splitting them up whenever we go to a new location. So we've done around 5 sessions, and for our 6th I'll be starting our 3rd Roll20 Campaign. Keep in mind that the more info/pages/handouts/etc. you load a Campaign up with, the more info has to be loaded by your players. So if 90% of it is pages you aren't going to be using, handouts no one is looking at, Characters that don't matter for this play session...well, it's just going to slow things down for no reason.

Of course I realize that right now there is no better way. But here are two things that I think *may help* that are coming in the future:

1. Ability to "copy/extend" Campaigns. Basically you can copy your Campaign, choose what you want to keep (Characters? Players? Handouts? Decks? etc.) and then create a new Campaign with those things already in it. So that would make it easy to quickly create a new Campaign as your story progresses. Of course you'd still be building up a giant backlog of Characters/Handouts, so that brings me to:

2. Integration with Obsidian Portal ( If you haven't seen it before, check it out, it's basically built to do exactly what the OP (original poster) is doing: serve as a central repository for your entire 30-level campaign to keep track of all your locations, characters, loot, even a "play log". It's also free to use, although they do offer a modestly priced premium account as well. In the realm of "not reinventing the wheel", Roll20 is really designed to be a virtual tabletop, not a wiki. The Journal feature really wasn't designed to store 80+ entries for a long campaign -- it was designed to hold the stuff you'd want to look at during a few play sessions. The Obsidian Portal integration would basically let you store your detailed info on your 80 NPCs on there, then when you make a Roll20 campaign you could quickly import just the characters you are actually going to use for that play session. So that way you get the long-term repository in Obsidian Portal (which you and your players can access anytime), and Roll20 stays lightweight and nimble by just handling what you're using in your actual play session.

What are your thoughts on that as a solution? Of course we are always trying to balance simplicity with support for folks like the OP who are creating epic, awesome, detailed campaigns. This was just the solution we've been kicking around to this issue, so I'm curious to hear what you guys think, since you're the ones who would be using it!
May 12 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Also: I can certainly add a "Show in Talk As.. menu" option for the Characters...that's no problem. The above is more about addressing what I see as the underlying issue here (and it's come up in a few other threads as well): managing a massive Campaign/Journal with hundreds of entries, most of which won't be used in this play session.
May 12 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Another possible solution (if you don't want to use the Obsidian Portal integration either because you don't like it, or you want to keep it all in Roll20) might be to use the Campaign copy/extend feature to create a "seed" Campaign on Roll20 with everything stored in it, then just copy that Campaign into a new campaign for your actual play session, possibly with the ability to copy over only certain characters/handouts/whatever. So again that way your play session campaign is lightweight and nimble, but you still have that seed Campaign where you keep everything up to date (and you could even give your players access to that if they want the ability to look at "everything")...
May 12 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
I think Obsidian Portal integration sounds good if it's going to be an actual integration and not just a "go manage your stuff in obsidian portal" link. :)
May 12 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Well, that would be the idea. I'm not sure it's the sort of thing where you'd be able to never visit Obsidian Portal, but at least the goal would be to let you import characters, then as you make changes in Roll20 those changes could also be saved to Obsidian Portal...
May 12 (12 years ago)
I think all of the suggestions Riley mentioned are pretty functional. While I'm not familiar with Obsidian Portal yet, it certainly does sound promising. On a side note, is there a limit to the number of "campaigns" you can have created at a time?
May 13 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
On Riley's mention during the kickstarter I checked out Obsidian and it really is an excellent product. Integration with it would do well to keep Roll20 the analog for the gaming table and leverage the development of OP as the GM and players notebook.

That said, as Roll20 matures, any cut and paste features from one campaign to another (including macros) are definitely desirable from my point of view.
May 13 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
I think all of the suggestions Riley mentioned are pretty functional. While I'm not familiar with Obsidian Portal yet, it certainly does sound promising. On a side note, is there a limit to the number of "campaigns" you can have created at a time?

On Roll20? No, there's no limit. And art assets that you upload in one campaign are shared across all campaigns, so as long as you're using mostly the same art assets between campaigns, you could create quite a few without running up against your quota.

May 13 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
There is a limit of 2 campaigns in the FREE version of Obsidian Portal though which would suck for a lot of people.

Maybe just opening up some kind of API would work better so the solution could be crowdsourced. I know there are a lot of developers in the beta right now and I'm sure more will join later that would love to extend this software with useful outside apps.

*Edit: I'm definitely one of them :)
May 13 (12 years ago)
Thaddeus R.
KS Backer
I just looked at Obsidian Portal and I definitely vote for integration with that service
May 14 (12 years ago)
Daryl P.
KS Backer
Yeah, Obsidian Portal is not at all for me. But, I host my own Wiki, so not a big deal. I think I'd be most pleased if there were a tab for "static shared info", similar to a journal page that's raised to its own level (or a chat tab that only the GM can use, or something like that) where links are easily collected/shared.
February 06 (12 years ago)
Matt M.
KS Backer

I vote for integration with Obsidian Portal!

February 07 (12 years ago)

Just browsing through Obsidian Portal... it seems a bit clunky, a campaign I just joined is using Epic Words and I think it's awesome and has a very nice interface that's simple and easy to navigate... It also seems to have a lot of options for grouping information for ease of navigation and can easily track experience and Loot.

I really don't see the point of having characters linked to something unless there was the ability to link the Attribute and ability fields between the offsite reference and the roll20 reference so that updates on one affect the other. The only integration I can see as roll20 and Obsidian Portal are now is adding the option to link an OP Campaign to a roll20 one and have quick links for GM and player... which can be totally awesome, but it would just be a built in wiki-link reference...