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Looking to try out experience of RP mechanics.

Hello. I don't think I can call myself new anymore after some playing on this site. Surely I have not been playing for decades, but I feel I figured out some basics. One thing that I find perplexing is that I never encountered campaign where NPC reaction rolls and similar RP mechanics mattered. It went either played by ear or strictly by scenario of game with minor improvisation. Sometimes made me think that dumping charsima for characters is more common than I thought. I would be glad to find group with some of these additional rules mattering. I am not sure which time would work, though, I feel like I filled out most weekends.

Edited 1477863679
I'll work on it a little more.  I have been running scripted encounters but use the cha modifiers when you meet random npcs such as in a bar. I'm always willing to try anything to improve my game.
I don't know how your Fridays/Saturdays are shaping up but my campaign runs on that day here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I don't necessarily use the reaction rolls outlined in the DMG, but I do do a form of 'reaction' that takes into account the Cha score and the reaction modifier. The higher your Cha and reaction modifier, the better! If your interested, shoot me a PM.
Hello, Paul. Your adventure is my first 2nd edition game on this site and I grown fond of it. While I would like Horken to get ew-ed or get slapped when attempting to woo with his comeliness, I only want just to try out something new. No need to worries, I am having fun making Horken babysitting Primes.

Edited 1477941587
Rainbow P. said: Hello. I don't think I can call myself new anymore after some playing on this site. Surely I have not been playing for decades, but I feel I figured out some basics. One thing that I find perplexing is that I never encountered campaign where NPC reaction rolls and similar RP mechanics mattered. It went either played by ear or strictly by scenario of game with minor improvisation. Sometimes made me think that dumping charsima for characters is more common than I thought. I would be glad to find group with some of these additional rules mattering. I am not sure which time would work, though, I feel like I filled out most weekends. I use charisma mechanics in my game, to include reactions checks, henchmen, and their morale.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I also grant experience point bonuses for well-played roleplay.
Roll20 Production Team
I don't expect my players to be convincing Shakespearean actors any more than I expect the fighter in the group to be a strongman in real life. I use charisma checks all the time if players wish to influence NPCs. It also makes charisma (the traditional dump stat) more useful and make those who have a high charisma like paladins be useful in scenioros other than combat.
Charisma can be used for situations such as convincing an npc to become a henchman, or for determining followers when reaching name level and such.
Rainbow P. said: Hello, Paul. Your adventure is my first 2nd edition game on this site and I grown fond of it. While I would like Horken to get ew-ed or get slapped when attempting to woo with his comeliness, I only want just to try out something new. No need to worries, I am having fun making Horken babysitting Primes. My campaign doesn't have a dump stat. &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> #StatsMatter
Hey, everyone. The schedule rules everything, that is why I will apply for Tyrone's game. Thank you for interest and replies. Will hope to participate in your games.
Rainbow no worries I am in that game lol