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Curse of the Crimson Throne AP

Hey all, Little new at Roll 20 in terms of actually GMing a game on it so sorry if this seems like a wierd question.  I wanted to know where I could get npc and monster tokens for the ap Curse of the Crimson Throne.   Also wanted to know if someone hase everything predesigned and set up that I could grab as a pack in some way.   I looked through the modules and there is nothing there.  This is sort of time sensitive and I have the pdf of the AP so I can get maps and handouts and stuff set up but gona take me a while to sort out the rest.  So was just wondering if anyone had run this AP and has it set up. Or could point me in the right direction.   Thanks in advance
Unless there's a Market Place collection (which there isn't as far as I know since it's a Paizo AP), you're on your own for creating tokens and importing them into your games.  Many folks make use of "TokenTool"(google it, first link) to make simple tokens out of images they find online. This is the prime benefit of the pre-packaged modules like WoTC's  Storm King's Thunder. All this is already done for you in those.