I'm getting ready to pick the final group for this game, so I'm going to throw this up on the forums to see if people who don't use LFG may find it. What: This game is a D&D 4th Edition version of the original Gary Gyagx dungeon Tomb of Horrors. Famous for it's challenge and being extremely lethal, it can be an extremely difficult and rewarding experience that all serious gamers should attempt at least once. This is a one-shot dungeon crawl, and not a long term campaign. Do not apply with the expectation of long term character development or social roleplay, this is neither. When: Game session is set for Thursday nights at 7PM EST, give or take a half hour. Attendance to all sessions should be a given, and if there is doubt about commitment or schedule, this isn't the game for you. About This Game: People seeking to play should be experienced with D&D, not have played Tomb of Horrors in this or previous editions, and easy to get along with, ready to work together with a group of strangers to conquer the dungeon. Not for new or inexperienced players. This is a voice chat game, mic and Skype are required. You should come prepared to face challenges that may seem insurmountable, and bring at least one back-up character. The reward is bragging rights that will be well-earned. Also, this is a game seeking the right group to make it the most fun, both for the players and anyone listening later on. This is not a first-come-first-served basis. Either send me a PM, or contact me on Skype under Askren-