Hey all. I will be running a one-shot game in the 2e tavern with Gold this Saturday the 5th of November. It will start at 8pm gmt and will probably last around 4 and a half hours. The one-shot will be Halloween themed and should be a lot of fun. Pre-made characters will be provided and recommended however you can bring your character from another game if you like. The pre-made characters will be around level 5-6 with unique abilities and plot intrigue. You will likely roll a dice to determine which pre-made character you will be using for the day. Reply here if you are interested or you can just log in to the tavern on the day and join in. Here is a link to the discord we will be using for the session: <a href="https://discord.gg/4uyfB7F" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/4uyfB7F</a> See you then Web