Update v0.8.45 -- Fixed a bug where u , g relative units were being incorrectly scaled when the Grid Cell width was other than 1. My sincere apologies if that makes any of your existing macros incorrect, I wish I'd caught it before I released it. (Thanks Joe ) New --report feature, see details in the help or here: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/7759266/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/7759266/</a> Update v0.8.44 -- Fixed bug with setting negative numbers as values. (Thanks Kilter ) Update v0.8.43 -- Added displaying 0 on status markers where that makes sense. Fixed ordering of status markers (Roll20 Update changed the ordering). Update v0.8.42 -- Added relative scaling for Units, the Grid, or the Scale of the Measure Units. (Thanks Joe ): You can follow a number by one of u , g , or s to adjust the scale that the number is applied in. Use u to use a number based on Roll20 Units, which are 70 pixels at 100% zoom. This will set a graphic to 280x140. !token-mod --set width|4u height|2u Use g to use a number based on the current grid size. This will set a token to the middle of the 8th column, 4rd row grid. (.5 offset for half the center) !token-mod --set left|7.5g top|3.5g Use s to use a number based on the current unit if measure. (ft, m, mi, etc) This will set a token to be 25ft by 35ft (assuming ft are the unit of measure) !token-mod --set width|25s height|35s Currently, you can also use any of the default units of measure as alternatives to s : ft , m , km , mi , in , cm , un , hex , sq !token-mod --set width|25ft height|35ft You can use that with light_radius, light_dimradius, light_multiplier, aura1_radius, aura2_radius, left, top, width, height, and scale. Additionally, I added a pseudo field Scale : scale is a pseudo field which adjusts both width and height with the same operation. This will scale a token to twice it's current size. !token-mod --set scale|*2 Update v0.8.41 -- Added ! for toggling Number or Blank fields (Thanks Lex ): !token-mod --set aura1_radius|!20 Update v0.8.40 -- Added adv_fow_view_distance setting (Thanks Wolf Thunderspirit ) Numbers or Blank Just like the Numbers fields, except you can set them to blank as well. Available Numbers or Blank Properties: light_radius light_dimradius light_multiplier aura1_radius aura2_radius adv_fow_view_distance Here is setting a standard DnD 5e torch, turning off aura1 and setting aura2 to 30. Note that the | is still required for setting a blank value, such as aura1_radius below. !token-mod --set light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 aura1_radius| aura2_radius|30 Just as above, you can use = , + , - , * , and / when setting these values. Here is setting a standard DnD 5e torch, with advanced fog of war revealed for 30. !token-mod --set light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 adv_fow_view_distance|30 Update v0.8.39 -- Added Min and Max bounds to status marker numbers (Thanks Morgan ) You can append two additional numbers separated by : . These numbers will be used as the minimum and maximum value when setting or adjusting the number on a status marker. Specified minimum and maximum values will be kept between 0 and 9. !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:+1:2:5 Omitting either of the numbers will cause them to use their default value. Here is an example limiting the max to 5: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:+1::5 Update v0.8.38 -- Fixed a bug that crept in around using negative numbers (Thanks Chris and Xttapalotakettle ) Update v0.8.37 -- Added two new arguments: --current-page, --active-pages :and fixed a few types (Thanks Joe M. ) --current-page If you add this to the command, it will only adjust tokens on the page that the issuer is currently on. For Players this is either the page they've been split to, or the page the party ribbon is on if they've not been split. For GM's this is the last page they loaded (which is pretty much the page they are on, unless they've got it open in multiple windows and the last changed pages on a different window). This is most useful when working with character ids, as the character might be on many pages, but you might want to restrict changes to only the current page. --active-pages If you add this to the command, it will only adjust tokens on pages where there are people. This means just the pages that have the party ribbon on them, have a player split to them or are the last page the GM loaded (if the current player is the gm). Note that this will still make changes even if the players on those pages are logged out. This is most useful when working with character ids, as the character might be on many pages, but you might want to restrict changes to only the tokens that are on pages where people are. Update v0.8.36 -- Updated the help system and added/expanded 3 section: Colors Colors can be specified in multiple formats: Transparent -- This is the special literal transparent and represents no color at all. HTML Color -- This is 6 or 3 hexidecimal digits, optionally prefaced by # . Digits in a 3 digit hexidecimal color are doubled. All of the following are the same: #ff00aa , #f0a , ff00aa , f0a RGB Color -- This is an RGB color in the format rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0) or rgb(256,256,256) . Decimal numbers are in the scale of 0.0 to 1.0, integer numbers are scaled 0 to 256. Note that numbers can be outside this range for the purpose of doing math. HSV Color -- This is an HSV color in the format hsv(1.0,1.0,1.0) or hsv(360,100,100) . Decimal numbers are in the scale of 0.0 to 1.0, integer numbers are scaled 0 to 360 for the hue and 0 to 100 for saturation and value. Note that numbers can be outside this range for the purpose of doing math. Available Colors Properties: tint_color aura1_color aura2_color Turning off the tint and setting aura1 to a reddish color. All of the following are the same: !token-mod --set tint_color|transparent aura1_color|ff3366 !token-mod --set tint_color| aura1_color|f36 !token-mod --set tint_color|transparent aura1_color|#f36 !token-mod --set tint_color| aura1_color|#ff3366 Setting the tint_color using an RGB Color using Integer and Decimal notations: !token-mod --set tint_color|rgb(127,0,256) !token-mod --set tint_color|rgb(.5,0.0,1.0) Setting the tint_color using an HSV Color using Integer and Decimal notations: !token-mod --set tint_color|hsv(0,50,100) !token-mod --set tint_color|hsv(0.0,.5,1.0) You can toggle a color on and off by prefacing it with ! . If the color is currently transparent, it will be set to the specified color, otherwise it will be set to transparent: !token-mod --set tint_color|!rgb(1.0,.0,.2) Color Math You can perform math on colors using + , - , and * . Making the aura just a little more red: !token-mod --set aura1_color|+#330000 Making the aura just a little less blue: !token-mod --set aura1_color|-rgb(0.0,0.0,0.1) HSV colors are especially good for color math. Making the aura twice as bright: !token-mod --set aura1_color|*hsv(1.0,1.0,2.0) Performing math operations with a transparent color as the command argument does nothing: !token-mod --set aura1_color|*transparent Performing math operations on a transparent color on a token treats the color as black. Assuming a token had a transparent aura1, this would set it to #330000. !token-mod --set aura1_color|+300 SideNumber This is the index of the side to show for Multi-Sided tokens. Indicies start at 1. If you have a 6-sided token, it will have indicies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. An empty index is considered to be 1. If a token doesn't have the index specified, it isn't changed. NOTICE: This only works for images in the User Image library. If your token has images that are stored in the Marketplace Library, they will not be selectable with this command. You can download those images and upload them to your User Image Library to use them with this. Available SideNumber Properties: currentside Setting a token to index 2: !token-mod --set currentside|2 Not specifying an index will set the index to 1, the first image: !token-mod --set currentside| You can shift the image by some amount by using + or - followed by an optional number. Moving all tokens to the next image: !token-mod --set currentside|+ Moving all tokens back 2 images: !token-mod --set currentside|-2 By default, if you go off either end of the list of images, you will wrap back around to the opposite side. If this token is showing image 3 out of 4 and this command is run, it will be on image 2: !token-mod --set currentside|+3 If you preface the command with a ? , the index will be bounded to the number of images and not wrap. In the same scenario, this would leave the above token at image 4: !token-mod --set currentside|?+3 In the same scenario, this would leave the above token at image 1: !token-mod --set currentside|?-30 If you want to chose a random image, you can use * . This will choose one of the valid images at random (all equally weighted): !token-mod --set currentside|* Image The Image type lets you manage the image a token uses, as well as the available images for Multi-Sided tokens. Images must be in a user library or will be ignored. The full path must be provided. Available Image Properties: imgsrc Setting the token image to a library image using a url (in this case, the orange ring I use for TurnMarker1 ): !token-mod --set imgsrc| <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580</a> Setting the token image from another token by specifying it's token_id: !token-mod --set imgsrc|@{target|token_id} --ids @{selected|token_id} WARNING: Because of a Roll20 bug with @{target|} and the API, you must specify the tokens you want to change using --ids when using @{target|}. Multi-Sided Token Options You can append additional images to the list of sides by prefacing the source of an image with + : !token-mod --set imgsrc|+ <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580</a> !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id} --ids @{selected|token_id} If you follow the + with a = , it will update the current side to the freshly added image: !token-mod --set imgsrc|+=@{target|token_id} --ids @{selected|token_id} When getting the image from a token, you can append a : and follow it with an index to copy. Indicies start at 1, if you specify an index that doesn't exist, nothing will happen: !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id}:3 --ids @{selected|token_id} You can specify the = with this syntax: !token-mod --set imgsrc|+=@{target|token_id}:3 --ids @{selected|token_id} You can specify multiple indices to copy by using a , separated list: !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id}:3,4,5,9 --ids @{selected|token_id} Using = with this syntax will set the current side to the last added image: !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id}:3,4,5,9 --ids @{selected|token_id} Images are copied in the order specified. You can even copy images from a token you're setting. !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id}:3,2,1 --ids @{selected|token_id} You can use an * after the : to copy all the images from a token. The order will be from 1 to the maximum image. !token-mod --set imgsrc|+@{target|token_id}:* --ids @{selected|token_id} You can remove images from the image list using - followed by the index to remove. If you remove the currently used image, the side will be set to 0. !token-mod --set imgsrc|-3 If you omit the number, it will remove the current side: !token-mod --set imgsrc|- You can follow the - with a , separated list of indicies to remove. If any of the indicies don't exist, they will be ignored: !token-mod --set imgsrc|-3,4,7 You can follow the - with an * to remove all the images, turning the Multi-Sided token back into a regular token. (This also happens if you remove the last image by index.): !token-mod --set imgsrc|-* WARNING: If you attempt to change the image list for a token with images in the Marketplace Library, it will remove all of them from that token. Full Help, using: !token-mod --help Thanks keithcurtis and Lady Victoria for the suggestions! Update v0.8.35 -- Changed finding of attributes to be case-insensitive. It turns out that the client interface only finds the first matching attribute and ignores case, so it's reasonable for the API to do the same. (thanks Alexander ) Update v0.8.34 -- Fixed the behavior of ! and - adjustments to statusmarkers when dealing with [] statuses. Using - with a [] status will now remove the rightmost instance of that status, rather than all of them. !token-mod --set statusmarkers|-blue[] Using ! with a [] status with now toggle on a new copy of that status (just like +blue[] would): !token-mod --set statusmarkers|!blue[] And using ! with a [] status and an index will toggle that index of the status on. Note that toggling status indexes that are higher than a set status will cause it to fill the next lowest slot. !token-mod --set statusmarkers|!blue[3] Executing this over and over on an empty token will add 1 blue dot each time until there are 3, then subsequently toggle the 3rd one on and off on each execution. Update v0.8.33 -- Fixed bug where specifying a character_id with --ids while having a token selected that represented that character would cause a double adjustment. (Thanks Dustin C. ) Update v0.8.32 -- Fixed crash for empty auras (and other places that could take a number or empty). Additionally, I've added error handling to prevent future crashes and make crash resolution easier. If a command would have caused a crash, it will now instead output this message as a whisper to the person who executed the command: The block at the bottom can be copied and pasted into a PM to me (link text goes to my profile). It contains the details of the message that was passed to TokenMod, as well as the callstack that crashed. Those are the two bits of information that I need to track down exactly what happened and fix it. With this new error handling, it won't crash the API and interrupt the game should there be a problem. Let me know if I can make any improvements to this. I have some ideas that will make it much nicer in the future and even allow other script authors to take advantage of it easily. Update v0.8.31 -- Fixed bug in multiply and divide logic. (Thanks Craven . , keithcurtis , Gold and others...) Update v0.8.30 -- Fixed bug in who determination in showHelp(). (Thanks BGB) Update v0.8.29 -- Fixed bug in who determination in showHelp(). (Thanks Arno ) Update v0.8.28 -- Added support for multiply (*) and divide (/) relative change options. Now you can do something like this: !token-mod --set height|*2 width|*2 To double the size of your token, or this: !token-mod --set height|/2 width|/2 To shrink it back down again. Update v0.8.27 -- Fixed method for getting the display name of the current player so it won't crash when other api scripts execute API commands with sendChat() (Thanks Sky ). Update v0.8.26 -- Added the ability to specify character IDs to --ids and affect all tokens representing that character. (Thanks Hacchinya ) -- Added logic to link a bar to a sheet attribute if an actually Attribute Object doesn't exist. This has one quirk in that it won't set the values of the bars until something happens to cause Roll20 to review the token. Setting the token as a Default Token and dragging it back out causes this to happen, as does updating something that the set attr uses in a calculation (dexterity when it's a part of the initiative_bonus formula for example). You can also set the initial value with --bar1_value|@{selected|attribute} if you're only doing a single character. (Thanks Arno ) Update v0.8.25 -- Fixed bug with defaulttoken where it didn't set correctly on the character. (Thanks Mike B. ) Update v0.8.24 -- Added the ability to set the defaulttoken on a character. You must set the represents of the token to a character before using defaulttoken, but it works just as you'd expected: !token-mod --set defaulttoken You can of course chain this with other set commands: !token-mod {{
}} Be sure to set the default token after all the settings you want preserved. For example, if you set bar3_link after, it won't be set when you drag the token out later. (Thanks Jakob!) Update v0.8.23 -- Added the ability to copy the controlledby from a token or character. You'll want to be explicit with your operators to avoid problems. If a token is representing a character, it will copy the character's controlled by instead. !token-mod --set controlledby|=@{target|token_id} Append the controllers from a token: !token-mod --set controlledby|+@{target|token_id} Update v0.8.22 -- Added support for setting the image on a token. This needs to be in a player library or no change will be made: !token-mod --set imgsrc|<a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/4095816/086YSl3v0Kz3SlDAu245Vg/max.png?1400535580</a> Added support for setting the controlledby property. You can provide either a Player ID (Game Unique), Roll20 ID Number (Player Unique), or Player Name Match (can match multiple players). There are 3 operations: +, -, = (default). You can use ' or " around arguments to make things less confusing. The help is very explicit, take a look there for more details. Here are a few examples (more in the help): Just players with bob in the name: !token-mod --set controlledby|bob Remove player with ID -JK123adf234 (note the quotes): !token-mod --set controlledby|-"-JK123adf234" Add susan and tommy to the list: !token-mod --set controlledby|+susan|+tommy All the players with k in their name but not karen: !token-mod --set controlledby|k|-karen No one: !token-mod --set controlledby| Everyone: !token-mod --set controlledby|all Plays well with represents. If a token represents a character, the character's controlledby is adjusted instead of the token's. If you are setting a controlledby and represents in the same command, it will use the character you're setting (or the token if you are removing a controlledby, useful for divorcing one off tokens from their character and granting token control in one fell swoop!). !token-mod {{
controlledby|="bob 'tacos' slayer"
}} Added support for API Notifications when a token is changed. Pass your function to TokenMod.ObserveTokenChange(), it will be passed the token and a prev object directly after each token is changed. Example code: on('ready',function(){
if('undefined' !== typeof TokenMod && TokenMod.ObserveTokenChange){
if(obj.get('statusmarkers') !== prev.statusmarkers){
sendChat('Observer Token Change','Token: '+obj.get('name')+' has changed status markers!');
}); Changed the way tokens are handled from --ids and selected such that there aren't duplicates if a token is both selected and passed to --ids. Update v0.8.18 -- Fixed crash bug on --help from recent changes to sendChat(). (Thanks RMcD & andrew M. ) Update v0.8.17 -- Added support for blanking represents by using --set represents| (Thanks Vince ) Update v0.8.16 -- Added --order for pushing tokens to the front or back (Thanks Nosaj !): !token-mod --order tofrontFor to front, use one of: tofront, front, f, top For to back, use one of: toback, back, b, bottom Update v0.8.15 -- Fixed the bug preventing setting some properties to blank. (Thanks Jacob !) Update v0.8.14 -- Fixed the bug causing a crash for empty arguments. (Thanks Gozer the Gozerian !) Update v0.8.13 -- Added # as an alternative to | in commands. This makes some macros easier to write. !token-mod --set ?{Feature|Dead, statusmarkers#dead|Red 3, statusmarkers#red:3} Update v0.8.12 -- Fixed explicit set with = for number and numberText fields. (Thanks again, Ziechael!) Update v0.8.11 -- You can now preface a + or - number with an = to explicitly set the field to that value (Thanks Ziechael!) !token-mod --set light_radius|=-10 Update v0.8.10 -- You can now set light_losangle and light_angle to be 360 degrees (Thanks Vince!). !token-mod --set light_losangle|360 Added a syntax to allow incrementing and decrementing status markers without adding statuses on other tokens. Also removes the status marker when the number reaches 0. (Thanks DK Heinrich!). !token-mod --set statusmarkers|?red:-1 Update v0.8.9 -- Added the argument --ignore-selected which allows writing macros that won't change any tokens that happen to be selected. !token-mod --ignore-selected --set statusmarkers|red:3 --ids -Jny0PfbtztLnCQv4M5y This is most useful when you are using hidden tokens as a backing store for state information (time, rounds, money, etc). (Thanks OldSchoolChris!) Update v0.8.8 -- Added expansion of Rollable Tables. You can now specify rollable tables in places you would use text: !token-mod --set name|"[[ 1t[ClueNames] ]]" Be sure to put " " around the call if you have multi word results. (Thanks Pat!) Update v0.8.7 -- Fixed crash when attempting to affect graphic tokens with bar*_reset operations. (Thanks RMcD!) Update v0.8.6 -- Added bar1_reset, bar2_reset, bar3_reset. You can use them to set a bar back to it's max value while selecting many tokens: !token-mod --set bar2_reset| This will individually set each token's bar2_value to whatever it's bar2_max is. The | is still required because of the way the parser is written, but I might be able to remove that later. Hope that helps! Cheers! (Based on this discussion , thanks RMcD!) Update v0.8.5 -- Bugfix for empty list of statuses. Update v0.8.4 -- Bugfix against an undefined statusmarkers return. Update v0.8.3 -- Fixed some log message detritus. Update v0.8.2 -- Added multiple status markers. I haven't updated the help for it yet, but basically, anything that works for a single status works for one with an index. The first command here sets the blue status marker on with a number of 1. The second line adds a second blue status marker and sets it's value to 2: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:1
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue[2]:2 You can use an empty set of brackets to add a new marker: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:1|blue[2]:2|blue[]:3 Just like other status operations, you can add all of these at once: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:1|blue[2]:2|blue[]:3 Markers are indexed from 1 starting at the left most marker of a particular type. New markers are added to the right, so multiple markers can be interspersed as you like. Update v0.8.1 -- Added support for Multi-line commands via {{ }}, light_multiplier, startup version logging, and config API Button. You can now use the multiline syntax for your TokenMod commands: !token-mod {{
--flip showname
--off light_otherplayers
@{target|target 1|token_id}
@{target|target 2|token_id}
@{target|target 3|token_id}
}} An API startup, it will now log out the version number and last update date: "-=> TokenMod v0.8.1 <=- [Sun Mar 29 2015 00:40:56 GMT-0500 (CDT)]" This will get updated as I make further changes (coming soon to all my scripts!) The Help menu is reorganized a bit, and there is now a toggle button for turning on/off Players Can IDs. Update v0.7 -- Added support for unlinking bars by passing an empty Attribute Name. (Thanks Ari K.!) Update v0.6 -- Switched to git and pushed into the Roll20 Official repo as well. Update v0.53 -- You can now toggle status markers on and off by prefacing them with the ! symbol. This will add the Rook piece if it isn't there, but remove it if it is: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|!white-tower Adding with a number will set the number if the status was not present, so this would add blue with a value of 3 if it wasn't already there, but clear it if it was: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|!blue:3 Adding relative numbers is less useful since they would always be operating on 0 (if the status wasn't there) or not being applied (because the status is being removed if it was there already), but they don't cause an error. I also expanded the help to show --ids and how to use it for multiple token ids (Thanks John C.), as well as cleaning up a few other points. Update v0.52 -- Setting Number and Number or Blank can now be decimal. (Thanks Black Falcon) Update v0.51 -- Setting represents now supports character names instead of just character_id. You can use the full name (quoted if it contains spaces) or just a partial name that is unique among your characters. It is not case sensitive, so Max = max = MaX = MAX. Update v0.5 -- Added delta changes to all reasonable number fields. You can now specify +3 or -2 instead of just a number, even on status numbers: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:-1 bar1_value|+3 This can be used on any field that is one of: Number, Number or Blank, Degrees, Text, Status Status fields will be bound between 0 or 9, other fields will not be bound. Also added the ability to set the represents for a token. You need only specify the character_id, probably with @{<character name>|character_id}: !token-mod --set represents|@{Bob|character_id} Note that this will clear out any links that bars have currently... So I've also added setting links for the bars, using the fields bar1_link, bar2_link, bar3_link. You need to specify the name of an attribute on the character the token represents. If you're specifying these in the same command as represents, be sure they are after: !token-mod --set represents|@{Bob|character_id} bar1_link|npc_HP bar2_link|npc_ac bar3_link|npc_temp_HP One final caution: There seems to be a bug with updating a token bar via the API when it is tied to an attribute, such that other tokens that are tied to the same attribute do not get updated. Be sure to leave a comment if you experience that, particularly if you can narrow down the case. Update v0.4 -- Added --config command for setting configurations. Currently the only config option is players-can-ids which allows players to use the --ids command to target tokens they don't control. Updated documentation to add bar1, bar2, bar3 meta properties, added notes about support for inline rolls in --set. Turn on players ability to use --ids with: !token-mod --config players-can-ids|on Play slots with this: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|red:[[1d9]]|green:[[1d9]]|blue:[[1d9]] Set hit points with this (sets both bar2_value and bar2_max to the result of the expression): !token-mod --set bar2|[[3d8+4]] Update v0.32 -- Added expansion of inline rolls and the Meta-Properties bar1, bar2, bar3 which set the _value and _max values to whatever is supplied. (Thanks for the suggestion Leo!) Update v0.31 -- Minor update to fix the issue with HTML special entities. Update v0.3 -- Fixed a bug with --ids (Thanks again James!) Update v0.2 -- Fixed a bug with colors, made the help work for non-GMs. (Thanks James!) This script lets you change just about any property of a token from a macro or the chat (Thanks GenKitty for the idea!). You can only change tokens you control (enforced by the ability to select them), unless you are the GM, in which case you can specify token_ids with the --ids command. The same operation is applied to all selected tokens, so it makes batch changes fast and easy. Commands !token-mod -- This is the interface command, with the following options: --help -- Displays the help script. --on <arguments> -- Toggles supplied boolean arguments to on. --off <arguments -- Toggles supplied boolean arguments to off. --flip <arguments> -- Toggles supplied boolean arguments to their alternate state. On becomes off, off becomes on. --set <arguments|values> -- Sets an property to the supplied value. The help is extensive, but I'll hit the highlights below. --ids <arguments> -- The GM can supply a list of token_ids, probably with @{target|1|token_id}, etc. Details for --set Mostly, properties should work like you expect. If it's a color, it takes a color, if it's a number, it takes a number. Any argument with an invalid value is ignored. Here's a few examples that should make things clearer. Turning on name plates for all selected tokens: !token-mod --on showname Moving selected tokens to the gmlayer: !token-mod --set layer|gmlayer Turning on aura1 for players, setting it's radius to 35, setting it's color to blue: !token-mod --on showplayers_aura1 --set aura1_radius|35 aura1_color|0000ff Setting up 5e style darkvision, moving to the objects layer, flipping the setting on show names, set bar1 to 25, set bar2 to 'Foe': !token-mod --set light_radius|40 light_dimradius|0 layer|objects --flip showname --off light_otherplayers --set bar1_value|25 bar2_value|Foe I've carefully ignored status markers until now. Status markers have a more complicated syntax to allow more flexibility. Multiple status markers can be set at the same time, this will add the blue, green, red, padlock, and broken-shield status markers. !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue|green|red|padlock|broken-shield They can also take a number by appending it with a : separator to the end of each status name. (note that the number following the dead status is ignored, as it is special.) !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:0|green:3|red:9|padlock:7|broken-shield:8 Numbers are bound between 0 and 9. You can also remove status markers by prefacing them with a -. This will remove the blue and broken-shield status markers: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|-blue|-broken-shield If you want to completely clear all status markers when you set your new one, you can preface it with a =. Note that this will affect all previously applied status markers, even if you are applying them as part of this same set command. This will set only the red, green, and blue markers: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|=blue|green|red If you need to just remove all status markers, you can specify the same status marker twice, first with = and second with -: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|=blue|-blue Example using --ids and other things: !token-mod --set layer|objects aura1_radius|35 aura1_color|00ff00 tint_color|transparent --on showname --ids @{target|token_id} The help has grown large enough that posting it here is a bit crazy. See the in game help or the help on the API page for more details: !token-mod --help GitHub: <a href="https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/TokenMod/TokenMod.js" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/TokenMod/TokenMod.js</a> Support my work on If you use my scripts, want to contribute, and have the spare bucks to do so , go right ahead. However, please don't feel like you must contribute just to use them! I'd much rather have happy Roll20 users armed with my scripts than people not using them out of some sense of shame. Use them and be happy, completely guilt-free! Disclaimer: This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions.