I have a single beta tester. Anyone else want to get in now's your chance for any feature requests. The commands have changed, so if you using the previous version, you can get it from github or you'll need to upgrade your macros if you are using them. You can always use the chat window now to manage your tunes. See previous post. Here are the new commands:
After the '|' comes tracks or playlists or both, comma separated.
Roll20 Audio Master Native Commands
-- audio,[play,stop,[ignore],fade,[in,out],increase,decrease]|<playlist or track or multiple or both, comma separated>
play: starts the track
stop: stops the track
fade: gradual change of sound level
in: starts from 0 and increases to Fade In Volume based using Fade Time
out: starts at current volume and decreases to Fade Out Volume using Fade Time
increase: increases volume by 5%
decrease: decreases volume by 5%
Audio Options
--audio,play| (required, at least one list or track )
plays lists or tracks
--audio,stop| (optional, if no tracks or playlists, stops everything)
stops lists or tracks or if blank, stops everything
--audio,stop,ignore| (required, stops all but list or track)
stops everything but the list or track specified
--audio,fade,in| (required, at least one list or track)
fades in lists or tracks to fade in volume
--audio,fade,out| (required, must be a playing track)
fades out lists or tracks to fade out volume
--audio,increase| (required, at least one list or track)
increases lists or tracks volume by 5%
--audio,decrease| (required, at least one list or track)
decreases lists or tracks volume by 5%
Edit Options
--edit,mode,[single,loop,shuffle,random,together]|(required, at least one list or track)
single - plays one tracks and then stops
loop - plays all tracks in list in order of play list
shuffle - randomizes the play list and plays all tracks in shuffled order
random - continuous play, one random track at a time from play list
together - plays all tracks at once in playlist
--edit,access,[gm,player] | (required, at least one list or track)
sets playlist or track for player access (or not)
--edit,fade,in,level | (optional, if blank, updates all tracks and playlist)
sets fade in volume level
--edit,fade,out,level | ((optional, if blank, updates all tracks and playlist)
sets fade out volume level
--edit,fade,time,level |(optional, if blank, updates all tracks and playlist)
sets fade time (in seconds)
--edit,volume,level |(optional, if blank, updates all tracks and playlist)
sets starting volume level
Config Options
brings up main chat box
brings up playlists chat box with a list of all playlists
brings up tracks chat box with a list of all tracks (including playlist tracks)
--config,menu=<playlist name>
brings tracks assigned to playlist box
imports all tracks/playlists currently in Jukebox