Last night was my second game night using Roll20, and I thought I'd share that too, since a lot has changed in just a week.
Half my group had to cancel last minute, so the remaining three of us did a skirmish 1-shot that I had prepared as my contingency game. Here's the feedback from last night:
Changes to drawing tool (persistent freeform) was well received. We had a charging barbarian and a wizard in the group, and half the fights wound up looking like a football playbook with arrows, circles and X's all over the place.
Can't wait for transparent or unfilled rectangles, since the wizard liked to use those for his area attacks, and apparently none of us can draw a box with a steady hand using the freeform tool to save our lives.
The ability to send things between layers worked perfectly for my invisible creatures (minus the fact that I'm a klutz, and kept trying to hit Ctrl+T and opening new tabs). I also accidentally started dragging background objects around at one point because I was on the wrong layer, but again, my fault, not the app.
The whole group wholeheartedly approved of the player controlled health tracker/bars - we used one for health and one for available healing surges and it worked great.
We didn't get a chance to test Tokbox last night because one of my players was in a fairly packed & noisy house last night, so he wanted our mumble server just so he could use push to talk and keep away the background noise.
I picked out a few songs from the jukebox, and they all worked swimmingly (when I remembered to use them) as well.
Overall it was a great experience last night. Functionally, everything worked great, and the only problems we had were human error.
Now, I'm off to prepare a new contingency game, since that was my last one that these guys haven't seen before. Hmm... Maybe I'll convert the Temple of Elemental Evil or the Tomb of Horrors to 4e ;)