I'm using the sendChat callback to send a bunch of rolls to chat, and output them later in a nice-looking way. I'm trying to recreate (to some reasonable extent) the tooltips you get for real inline rolls. The tooltips don't turn out quite right in the following way: when the rolls are close to the right border of the chat, if you mouse over, the tooltip gets jittery and flickers around when you move the mouse over the roll, instead of being displayed constantly like a real inline roll. To make things even more confusing, this behaviour seems to vanish when they are pushed up further in chat. Here's my code for displaying the roll: `<span class="showtip tipsy-n" title="Rolling ${expression}"` +
`style="min-width:1em;display:inline-block;border:2px solid;background-color:#FEF68E;color:#404040;` +
`font-weight:bold;padding:0px 3px;cursor:help">${result}</span>` I don't know if it makes a difference, and I have tried several ways of displaying it (table cell, right-floating div...). The one constant is that the roll is always in a big div: '<div style="border:1px solid #888;background-color:#FFFFFF;border-radius:5px;padding:1px 3px">' + content + '</div> I've noticed that roll20 replaces the inlinerollresult, showtip and tipsy-n classes by userscript-inlinerollresult, userscript-showtip and userscript-tipsy-n. Maybe there's some connection to this? I hope some css wizard can help me here, because I have no idea what I'm doing.