Hey, so I have always DMd kind of crazy & weird campaigns with lots of magic and comedy. I want to try something more serious and when talking to my group they are interested in doing an ancient Japan period piece with D&D 5e. I am going to do light magic, It is a 4 man group with I want only 1 of them to be a magic user and a minimum of one other to be a Samurai class with the others getting to choose what they want. However I am having a hard time coming up with a storyline that will hold the group together, give them all a common goal and keep their interest. I am fine doing either a more open game or a stricter linear campaign as I trust my group to play either type and they are fine with either type. But I am always interested to hear what other GMs have as far as ideas go or if you are just a player what would be fun in this setting for you?