Sign Up here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Tomorrow 8:15 AM CT. 11/20/2016 Have had this idea floating for a while so am giving it a go. Used the old d6 west end games star wars long ago so expect rust. Want friendly creative open minded group to experience a space odyssey. Will not contain magic or psyche abilities. Background Long ago on Terra gravitational polarity was discovered after a large accelerator in Europe changed the polarity of parts of the continent making entire cities and mountains fly off into space from the sudden change in gravity polarity. It was the largest human accident and discovery. Accelerator experiments dealing with the sub-atomic physics that allowed the anti-gravity are now illegal. The G corporation is the only provider of anti-gravity solenoids. They are manufactured far from planetary systems. The monopoly for the anti gravity solenoids has made the G corporation the largest corporation in the known universe. A charge ran from the solenoid allows the anti-gravity polarity to be temporarily shifted to the connected material. This technology is the cornerstone of planetary and interplanetary travel now. The league of system lords is the legislative body of the United Systems League (USL). There is one emperor that all of the kings dukes and other royalty swear fealty to. Each system within USL is linked by Faster than Light Communication network. A series of space stations with transmission cannons at lower gravity points in those different systems is how most communication is submitted. Each planetary body that has a large population has a large message receiver station. Gravitational waves disrupt the distance of different parts of the quantum messages sent through FTL and so need large antennas with powerful internal sensors to detect the transmission. Powerful computers with communication algorithms than are used to rebuild the messages and then transmit using light or radio broadcasting within the system. The more gravity that has affected the message the more the message is diffused and the greater the chance of the message integrity being compromised. Frequently space stations station far out from where the gravity disruption of large celestial bodies are but still on the outer reaches of colonized systems use exotic particle lensing (EPL). Some lensing frequencies transmit and other lensing receives. This allows accurate gating of folded space to be manifested between stations allowing ships to go from one system to the next. Receiving lens are a simpler and cheaper technology to implement while transmitting has more power requirements and is more challenging to create. Mega corps, massive criminal, smuggling and pirate enterprises and some system lords all practice building secret smaller stations that use the versions to circumvent the official intersystem network of gates. For the right price someone can sneak from system to system but the USL interstellar navy is always cracking down on these unlicensed stations.