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Pre-made or player-made characters?

For the most part, most games I've ran I've always let my players make characters. I've ran Pre-made quests that had ready to go characters and for the most part it worked out fine. Building a character IS ALWAYS one of my favorite parts of starting a new game, however, how do others feel about going into a game playing a pre-made character? Is it harder for you to immerse yourself into a character you did not come up with? I feel like requiring players to use pre-made characters could help some players step out of their comfort zone. maybe play somthing they normally wouldnt, or a stable of play they normally wouldnt. I've seen many players create characters that have the same mindset the player would rather than role playing.  from a GM perspective it helps to integrate characters backgrounds into the story when you created them, or insure the players have the right tools they will need to complete a particularly difficult challenge if they are clever.  How would (You as a player) feel about playing a pre-made character-background made, certain mannerisms, and a basic class structure of how it'll level up(IE a wizard might always take at least one illusion spell when leveling) all of the decisions the character makes is completely up to the players however. is this somthing that might interest seasoned players? or for newbies? please let me know what you think
Always, player built. It helps the player enjoy the game more if he/she emotionally invests into the background and personality building portions of creation. We all have that favorite character we use no matter the genre or system, we as DM/GM is our job to help the player craft that character and help them emotionaly invest into them.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For one-shots, premade characters. It helps keep things streamlined, letting everyone get into the game quickly, and there's no need to get attached to the characters anyway, since you're only playing one session. For pretty much anything longer, player-made characters.
Gen Kitty
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