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[Script] PowerCards 3 (Thread 4)


Edited 1511904680
Xargun said: Can I use multiple different whispers in a Power Card macro to send different information to different people ? You can combine multiple !power macros into one to accomplish this. e.g. !power --whisper|gm --!|GM sees this !power --whisper|self --!|User sees this !power --whisper|@{target|character_name} --!|Target sees this
Silvyre said: Xargun said: Can I use multiple different whispers in a Power Card macro to send different information to different people ? You can combine multiple !power macros into one to accomplish this. e.g. !power --whisper|gm --!|GM sees this !power --whisper|self --!|User sees this !power --whisper|@{target|character_name} --!|Target sees this ok thats my error. I was trying to do it all within 1 Power macro. So I simply need to execute more than 1 Power macros into one macro. Got it. Thank you.

Edited 1511916766
Xargun said: Silvyre said: Xargun said: Can I use multiple different whispers in a Power Card macro to send different information to different people ? You can combine multiple !power macros into one to accomplish this. e.g. !power --whisper|gm --!|GM sees this !power --whisper|self --!|User sees this !power --whisper|@{target|character_name} --!|Target sees this ok thats my error. I was trying to do it all within 1 Power macro. So I simply need to execute more than 1 Power macros into one macro. Got it. Thank you. You can do it as one !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --whisper|?{Whisper who? | GM, GM | Target, @{target|character_name} } --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|@{selected|character_name} Message. --corners|10 --format|recharge --name|Message --leftsub|@{selected|character_name} --Message| ?{Message:} }}
So I am helping a friend creating some powercards for starfinder and I wonder if you guys can help me. What we are trying to do is a Powercard that calculate the attack role against the target AC, if the attack is sucessful or if fails, it will tell the player like "Success or Fail", then the powercard will randomly choose a body part, at the moment I have use a rollable table to random the body parts but i wonder if its possible to do with the power card, and last teh power card will show damage and check fro critical damage. This is how far i get. !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] --tag1|Here goes if attack suceed or fail against AC --attack hit in the|[[1t[BodyParts]]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --tag4|Here goes check for crit }} Any help is appreciate

Edited 1511921410
Danny C. said: So I am helping a friend creating some powercards for starfinder and I wonder if you guys can help me. What we are trying to do is a Powercard that calculate the attack role against the target AC, if the attack is sucessful or if fails, it will tell the player like "Success or Fail", then the powercard will randomly choose a body part, at the moment I have use a rollable table to random the body parts but i wonder if its possible to do with the power card, and last teh power card will show damage and check fro critical damage. This is how far i get. !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] --tag1|Here goes if attack suceed or fail against AC --attack hit in the|[[1t[BodyParts]]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --tag4|Here goes check for crit }} Any help is appreciate Whats the name of the table? NVM i see it let me take a look.

Edited 1511955370
Danny C. said: So I am helping a friend creating some powercards for starfinder and I wonder if you guys can help me. What we are trying to do is a Powercard that calculate the attack role against the target AC, if the attack is sucessful or if fails, it will tell the player like "Success or Fail", then the powercard will randomly choose a body part, at the moment I have use a rollable table to random the body parts but i wonder if its possible to do with the power card, and last teh power card will show damage and check fro critical damage. This is how far i get. !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] --tag1|Here goes if attack suceed or fail against AC --attack hit in the|[[1t[BodyParts]]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --tag4|Here goes check for crit }} Any help is appreciate This my macro I used for weapons. [$atk] is the variable.  !power {{ --emote|** @{selected|token_name} Aims a Longbow. ** --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --titlefontshadow|none --format|atwill --corners|10 --name|Longbow --leftsub|Ranged Attack --rightsub| 150' / 600' --Range| ** 150/600 ** --Target|@{target|token_name} --Attack|[[ [$Atk] ?{Advantage?| Normal, 1d20 + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]] | Advantage, 2d20KH1 + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]] | Disadvantage, 2d20KL1 + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]] [DEX] + [[@{selected|pb}]] [PROF]]} ]] vs **AC** [[@{target||npc_ac}]] --?? $Atk < @{target||npc_ac} ?? !Missed|**You missed!** --?? $Atk < @{target||npc_ac} ?? soundfx1|_play|ArrowMiss --?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} ?? soundfx1|_play|ArrowHits --?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} AND $Atk.base <> 20 ?? Hit:|[[ [$Dmg] 1d8+[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]]]] piercing damage --?? $Atk >= @{target||npc_ac} AND $Atk.base <> 20 ?? alterbar1|_target|@{target||token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|all --?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? Critical Hit:|[[ [$CritDmg] 2d8+[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]]]] piercing damage --?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? alterbar2|_target|@{target||token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^CritDmg] _show|all --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? !|**Fumble:** [[ [TXT] 1t[CFSRW] ]] }} Edit: try this macro !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[ [$Atk] [[1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]]]] --?? $Atk < [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] ?? !Missed|**You missed!** --?? $Atk > [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] ?? !|Your attack hits : [[ [TXT] 1t[BodyParts] ]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? !| Critical Hit --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? !|**Fumble:** }}
Not Working. The target arrow appears but when i try to click on a token it just dont work. So its freezes

Edited 1511971799
The Attack line dont seem to work. Something here dont let me go forward --Attack|[[ [$Atk] [[1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]]]]

Edited 1511980336
Danny C. said: [[ [$Atk] [[ 1d20cs>20+3]] There's an unmatched [[ here (bolded); you'll want to delete that. [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus} AC]] ]] You'll also probably want to replace the bolded "AC]]" with "]] AC".

Edited 1511990697
thx. but now i am getting syntax error when I do attack. Sorry guys Really newbie at this but trying to learn. It seem something is wrong with my format !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[[$Atk] 1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC --?? $Atk < [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !Missed|**You missed!** --?? $Atk > [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !|Your attack hits : [[ [TXT] 1t[BodyParts] ]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? !| Critical Hit --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? !|**Fumble:** }}

Edited 1512001891
Danny C. said: thx. but now i am getting syntax error when I do attack. Sorry guys Really newbie at this but trying to learn. It seem something is wrong with my format !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --corners|10 --format|atwill --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|prepares to attack --name|@{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|character_name} --Attack|[[[$Atk] 1d20cs>20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC --?? $Atk < [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !Missed|**You missed!** --?? $Atk > [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !|Your attack hits : [[ [TXT] 1t[BodyParts] ]] --Damage|[[1d6+0]] --?? $Atk.base == 20 ?? !| Critical Hit --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? !|**Fumble:** }} --attack| [[ [$Atk] you need a space  --Attack|[[ [$Atk] [[1d20+3]] Vs [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ]] if you can't get it to work send me a private message if you have time tomorrow and you can join my discord server, invite me to the game an we can work on it together.
Is not that line, is after. after i add this i get the problem --?? $Atk < [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !Missed|**You missed!** --?? $Atk > [[@{target|AC}+@{target|armor-eacbonus}]] AC ?? !|Your attack hits : [[ [TXT] 1t[BodyParts] ]]

Edited 1512063853
As Craven suggested, I would try padding the interiors of the outwardmost inline roll brackets with spaces (e.g. Damage=[[foo]] → Damage=[[ foo ]]). Try doing this for every inline roll in the macro. I would also recommend replacing "$Atk >" with "$Atk > = " to ensure proper output when $Atk equals the AC.
Hey guys Can you add $tag in to a roll? example I have a setup --hroll|[[ [$Dex] 0d0 + [[@{selected|dexterity_mod} ]] ]] Now I want to do attack:|[[ [$Atk] 1d20 + [$Dex] ]] anyone know if you can + $tag like this and the correct format?

Edited 1512106430
Craven said: Hey guys Can you add $tag in to a roll? No, it's not possible to call RollIDs within inline rolls. Depending on your use case, you may be able to work around this limitation .
So I am expanding my macro skills into using drop - down menus with my power cards. I have the following macro and it works but doesn't roll the dice in the macro - doesn't roll anything. But everything else executes fine. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? !power {{ --emote|@{selected|token_name} finds prey and feeds. --?{Feeding|Kill Prey|Leave Barely Alive|Leave Alive|Just a Snack} --whisper|GM --?? ?{Feeding} == Kill Prey ?? Roll|[[ (1d10 + 5) ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == Leave Barely Alive ?? Roll|[[ 1d10 + 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == Leave Alive ?? Roll|[[ 1d10 - 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == Just a Snack ?? Roll|[[ 1d10 - 5 ]] Vitae --Path Check|Killing Prey while feeding (or Leave Barely Alive) may activate a Path Check - depending on Path and Current Rating }}
The issues you're having likely stem from the spaces within the Roll Query options confusing the PowerCards conditionals. You might try this instead: !power {{ --emote|@{selected|token_name} finds prey and feeds. --?{Feeding|Kill Prey,1|Leave Barely Alive,2|Leave Alive,3|Just a Snack,4} --whisper|GM --?? ?{Feeding} == 1 ?? Kill Prey|[[ 1d10 + 5 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 2 ?? Leave Barely Alive|[[ 1d10 + 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 3 ?? Leave Alive|[[ 1d10 - 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 4 ?? Just a Snack|[[ 1d10 - 5 ]] Vitae --Path Check|Killing Prey while feeding (or Leave Barely Alive) may activate a Path Check - depending on Path and Current Rating }}
Silvyre said: The issues you're having likely stem from the spaces within the Roll Query options confusing the PowerCards conditionals. You might try this instead: !power {{ --emote|@{selected|token_name} finds prey and feeds. --?{Feeding|Kill Prey,1|Leave Barely Alive,2|Leave Alive,3|Just a Snack,4} --whisper|GM --?? ?{Feeding} == 1 ?? Kill Prey|[[ 1d10 + 5 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 2 ?? Leave Barely Alive|[[ 1d10 + 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 3 ?? Leave Alive|[[ 1d10 - 1 ]] Vitae --?? ?{Feeding} == 4 ?? Just a Snack|[[ 1d10 - 5 ]] Vitae --Path Check|Killing Prey while feeding (or Leave Barely Alive) may activate a Path Check - depending on Path and Current Rating }} That worked thank you. Strange though. The format I used originally works on another macro where I am reading stats from a player to roll.. very strange.

Edited 1512156194
Can anyone think of a reason why my simple initiative macro no longer adds the roll to the tracker?  It outputs to chat how I want it but it does not throw the roll onto the tracker. Any know conflicts with other scripts or anything like that?  !power {{ --emote|@{selected|token_name} readies for combat! --charid|@{selected|character_id} --bgcolor|#4A2C5E --name|Initiative --~C[[ [TRKR] 1d20+@{selected|initiative_bonus}]]~C }} Update: So I have discovered that it works with some tokens and not with others... still trying to figure out what the difference is. 
Jim said: Update: So I have discovered that it works with some tokens and not with others... still trying to figure out what the difference is.  The first thing to check is to ensure that those Tokens are set to Represent a Character.
Silvyre said: Jim said: Update: So I have discovered that it works with some tokens and not with others... still trying to figure out what the difference is.  The first thing to check is to ensure that those Tokens are set to Represent a Character. All of them do. They also have all matching attributes.  I'm using this in conjunction with the 5e compendium and thought that the maybe the compendium monsters worked and my created ones do not. That is not the case. At this point it seems random and I can not for the life of me see what is making it happen.   Everything had been working for several sessions. but last session I noticed the randomness of the macro execution. 

Edited 1512161538
Try replacing the TRKR line with -- !| ~C [[ [TRKR] 1d20+@{selected|initiative_bonus} ]] ~C If that fails, next thing to check is what is returned when you enter @{selected|initiative_bonus} into the Text Chat. See if that differs between Characters for which this macro is functioning and Character for which this macro fails.
Got another issue with my Frenzy Macro using Power Cards and drop down menus. My macro is below. !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --?{Difficulty|Harassment,1|Public Insult,2|Sight or Smell of Blood,3|Taste of Blood,4|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,6|Love One Slain,7} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 1 ?? Harassment|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>2f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Public Insult|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>3f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>4f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Taste of Blood|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>5f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Attacked of Betrayed|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>5f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 6 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>7f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Love One Slain|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>10f1 + ?{Willpower}]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Roll|@{selected|token_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Roll|@{selected|token_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower|0} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} !alter --show|GM --target|@{selected|token_id} --bar|2 --amount|-?{Willpower|0} It seems to not be recognizing the $ but I'm not sure what is incorrect.

Edited 1512182016
Unique [$RollIDs] can only be defined once within a macro; they cannot be defined by the outcome of conditionals. Here is a macro that works around this: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|Harassment,2|Public Insult,3|Sight or Smell of Blood,4|Taste of Blood,5|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,7|Love One Slain,10} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Harassment| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Public Insult| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Taste of Blood/Attacked or Betrayed| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 10 ?? Love One Slain| --Roll|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>?{Difficulty}f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} Alternatively, this macro separates the two Difficulty 5 options: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|    Harassment, [Harassment](2) |    Public Insult, [Public Insult](3) |    Sight or Smell of Blood, [Sight or Smell of Blood](4) |    Taste of Blood, [Taste of Blood](5) |    Attacked or Betrayed, [Attacked or Betrayed](5) |    Betrayed by a Loved One, [Betrayed by a Loved One](7) |    Love One Slain, [Love One Slain](10) } --?{Difficulty}|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>[[ ?{Difficulty} + {0} ]]f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }}
Silvyre said: Unique [$RollIDs] can only be defined once within a macro; they cannot be defined by the outcome of conditionals. Here is a macro that works around this: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|Harassment,2|Public Insult,3|Sight or Smell of Blood,4|Taste of Blood,5|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,7|Love One Slain,10} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Harassment| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Public Insult| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Taste of Blood/Attacked or Betrayed| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 10 ?? Love One Slain| --Roll|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>?{Difficulty}f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} Alternatively, this macro separates the two Difficulty 5 options: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|    Harassment, [Harassment](2) |    Public Insult, [Public Insult](3) |    Sight or Smell of Blood, [Sight or Smell of Blood](4) |    Taste of Blood, [Taste of Blood](5) |    Attacked or Betrayed, [Attacked or Betrayed](5) |    Betrayed by a Loved One, [Betrayed by a Loved One](7) |    Love One Slain, [Love One Slain](10) } --?{Difficulty}|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>[[ ?{Difficulty} + {0} ]]f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} I will try this - thank you. I thought about breaking it up and use the difficulty, but was too stubborn to change thoughts.

Edited 1512225358
Silvyre said: Unique [$RollIDs] can only be defined once within a macro; they cannot be defined by the outcome of conditionals. Here is a macro that works around this: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|Harassment,2|Public Insult,3|Sight or Smell of Blood,4|Taste of Blood,5|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,7|Love One Slain,10} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Harassment| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Public Insult| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Taste of Blood/Attacked or Betrayed| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 10 ?? Love One Slain| --Roll|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>?{Difficulty}f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} Alternatively, this macro separates the two Difficulty 5 options: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|    Harassment, [Harassment](2) |    Public Insult, [Public Insult](3) |    Sight or Smell of Blood, [Sight or Smell of Blood](4) |    Taste of Blood, [Taste of Blood](5) |    Attacked or Betrayed, [Attacked or Betrayed](5) |    Betrayed by a Loved One, [Betrayed by a Loved One](7) |    Love One Slain, [Love One Slain](10) } --?{Difficulty}|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>[[ ?{Difficulty} + {0} ]]f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} That worked like a charm. You guys give great support to your Scripts and are awesome. Now if this was all written in an older language (Basic, VB) then I could do it myself, but I have been out of the programming world for a loooong time. I did have one other question. I am incorporating sounds from !roll20AM script (which I believe Power Cards supports) but can't get the sound to play after a specific line of code. Basically I am trying to add the following command after the "loses control and frenzies" line above. --soundfx|--play,Main|Frenzy The command itself works fine, but when I add it to the 'frenzy' line it comes out as text. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.
Xargun said: Silvyre said: Unique [$RollIDs] can only be defined once within a macro; they cannot be defined by the outcome of conditionals. Here is a macro that works around this: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|Harassment,2|Public Insult,3|Sight or Smell of Blood,4|Taste of Blood,5|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,7|Love One Slain,10} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Harassment| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Public Insult| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Taste of Blood/Attacked or Betrayed| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 10 ?? Love One Slain| --Roll|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>?{Difficulty}f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} Alternatively, this macro separates the two Difficulty 5 options: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|    Harassment, [Harassment](2) |    Public Insult, [Public Insult](3) |    Sight or Smell of Blood, [Sight or Smell of Blood](4) |    Taste of Blood, [Taste of Blood](5) |    Attacked or Betrayed, [Attacked or Betrayed](5) |    Betrayed by a Loved One, [Betrayed by a Loved One](7) |    Love One Slain, [Love One Slain](10) } --?{Difficulty}|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>[[ ?{Difficulty} + {0} ]]f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} That worked like a charm. You guys give great support to your Scripts and are awesome. Now if this was all written in an older language (Basic, VB) then I could do it myself, but I have been out of the programming world for a loooong time. I did have one other question. I am incorporating sounds from !roll20AM script (which I believe Power Cards supports) but can't get the sound to play after a specific line of code. Basically I am trying to add the following command after the "loses control and frenzies" line above. --soundfx|--play,Main|Frenzy The command itself works fine, but when I add it to the 'frenzy' line it comes out as text. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. --?? $Fre < 1 ?? soundfx1|_play|Frenzy --?? $Fre >= 0 ?? soundfx1|_play|Frenzy
Craven said: Xargun said: Silvyre said: Unique [$RollIDs] can only be defined once within a macro; they cannot be defined by the outcome of conditionals. Here is a macro that works around this: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|Harassment,2|Public Insult,3|Sight or Smell of Blood,4|Taste of Blood,5|Attacked or Betrayed,5|Betrayed by a Loved One,7|Love One Slain,10} --?? ?{Difficulty} == 2 ?? Harassment| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 3 ?? Public Insult| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 4 ?? Sight or Smell of Blood| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 5 ?? Taste of Blood/Attacked or Betrayed| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 7 ?? Betrayed by a Loved One| --?? ?{Difficulty} == 10 ?? Love One Slain| --Roll|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>?{Difficulty}f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} Alternatively, this macro separates the two Difficulty 5 options: !power {{ --whisper|GM, @{character_name} --hroll|?{Difficulty|    Harassment, [Harassment](2) |    Public Insult, [Public Insult](3) |    Sight or Smell of Blood, [Sight or Smell of Blood](4) |    Taste of Blood, [Taste of Blood](5) |    Attacked or Betrayed, [Attacked or Betrayed](5) |    Betrayed by a Loved One, [Betrayed by a Loved One](7) |    Love One Slain, [Love One Slain](10) } --?{Difficulty}|[[ [$Fre] (@{S_I} + @{WP})d10>[[ ?{Difficulty} + {0} ]]f1 + ?{Willpower|0} ]] --?? $ < 1 ?? !Result|@{character_name} loses control and frenzies !! --?? $ > 0 ?? !Result|@{character_name} controls the Beast... for now. --Willpower Spent| ?{Willpower} --Difficulty|Depends on cause }} That worked like a charm. You guys give great support to your Scripts and are awesome. Now if this was all written in an older language (Basic, VB) then I could do it myself, but I have been out of the programming world for a loooong time. I did have one other question. I am incorporating sounds from !roll20AM script (which I believe Power Cards supports) but can't get the sound to play after a specific line of code. Basically I am trying to add the following command after the "loses control and frenzies" line above. --soundfx|--play,Main|Frenzy The command itself works fine, but when I add it to the 'frenzy' line it comes out as text. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. --?? $Fre < 1 ?? soundfx1|_play|Frenzy --?? $Fre >= 0 ?? soundfx1|_play|Frenzy I didn't think to put it infront of the text.. I was putting it after.. Thank you
So I'm upping my drop down menu game - drop down menus within drop down menus... Not sure if this is possible via Power Cards of not. I am getting the following error: PowerCards: "Could not determine result type of: [{\"type\":\"M\",\"expr\":\"(6+0-0)\"},{\"type\":\"C\",\"text\":\"d10>(4 - 1)f1 \"}]" Here is my partially complete Macro: !power {{ --whisper|GM --hroll|?{Distance|Up to 10 yards,4|Up to 50 yards,5|Up to 500 yards,6} --hroll|?{Familiarity|Intimately,1|Moderately,2|Unseen but Known,3|Unfamiliar,4|No Clue,5} --Teleport|[[ (@{Willpower} + @{WP} - @{DefensiveActions})d10>(?{Distance} - 1)f1]] Successes. }} Any ideas ?
I got it to work. Had to put the second part inside some [[]] like: --Teleport|[[ (@{Willpower} + @{WP} - @{DefensiveActions})d10>[[ {Distance} - 1]]f1]] Successes.
Is there a way to display the target token in my power card?
Craven said: Is there a way to display the target token in my power card? You could use an emote to do so, or you could add another PowerCard macro that uses --emote to do so.
Silvyre said: Try replacing the TRKR line with -- !| ~C [[ [TRKR] 1d20+@{selected|initiative_bonus} ]] ~C If that fails, next thing to check is what is returned when you enter @{selected|initiative_bonus} into the Text Chat. See if that differs between Characters for which this macro is functioning and Character for which this macro fails. That seemed to have fixed it.  Thank you!  
Can I use an emote in a full attack macro within a character sheet? If I put the emote at the beginning it returns "!power --blah blah.." in the chat then runs the macro whereas if the emote is at the end it does indeed display properly, just after the attack macro and having the emote after the attack isn't aesthetically pleasing. (Pathfinder Char. Sheet v1.700 if that matters). Cheers, 
I'm not too familiar with the PF sheet, but try checking to see if there are any spaces before the "!power". Also, ensure that there is a line break after the end of the PowerCards macro. Otherwise, try adding a line break (i.e. a blank line) before the !power.

Edited 1512768376
So if you want something to fire when the right condition fire how do you do?. In the example I am using I want to be able to only show the hit location if there is actually a hit, and not show anything if is a miss !power {{ --tokenid|@{selected|Token_Id} --emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks }} !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --titlefont|worldgen --titlefontsize|12px --tokenid|@{target|Token_Id} --emote| **@{target|character_name}** --corners|0 --format|atwill --name|Melee Attack --Target| [[ [$AtkM] 0d0 + [[@{selected|WS} + ?{Modifier|0}]] ]] --Roll| [[ [$HPchecker] 1d100 ]] --?? $HPchecker <= $AtkM ?? !|**Your Attack Hits** --?? $HPchecker > $AtkM ?? !|**You missed** --?? $HPchecker <= 10 ?? Your Attack hits|Head --?? $HPchecker >= 11 AND $HPchecker <= 20 ?? Your Attack hits|Right Arm --?? $HPchecker >= 21 AND $HPchecker <= 30 ?? Your Attack hits|Left Arm --?? $HPchecker >= 31 AND $HPchecker <= 70 ?? Your Attack hits|Body --?? $HPchecker >= 71 AND $HPchecker <= 85 ?? Your Attack hits|Right Leg --?? $HPchecker >= 86 ?? Your Attack hits|Left Leg }} So If the attack is a fail i dont want it to show the hit location, How do i do that?
Danny C. said: So If the attack is a fail i dont want it to show the hit location, How do i do that? Add "AND $HPchecker <= $AtkM" to the conditionals.
But where?, sorry dident understand like this --?? AND $HPchecker <= $AtkM ?? !|**Your Attack Hits** or  --?? AND $HPchecker <= $AtkM >= 11 AND $HPchecker <= 20 ?? Your Attack hits|Right Arm
I think i got it, thx Silvyre

Edited 1512786389
So I manage to make it work, but now sometimes when the check hits it repeat himself many times  How do I make it so it only show once. The Hit should also say right arm. If I add a bonus on the modifier it shows wrong. In the example above the hit should be on the right arm for example and not the body !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --tokenid|@{selected|Token_Id} --targettokenid|@{target|token_id} --emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks **@{target|character_name}** --corners|0 --format|atwill --name|@{Selected|meleeweaponname1} --Target Number|~R [[ [$Target] 0d0 + [[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]] ]] ~R --Attack Roll|~R [[ [$ARoll] 1d100 ]] ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Outcome|~R **Your Attack Hits** ~R --?? $ARoll > $Target ?? Outcome|~R **You missed!** ~R --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target <= 15 ?? Outcome|Hit Head --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target >= 16 AND $ARoll <= 35 ?? Outcome|Hit Right Arm --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target >= 36 AND $ARoll <= 55 ?? Outcome|Hit Left Arm --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target >= 56 AND $ARoll <= 80 ?? Outcome|Hit Body --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target >= 81 AND $ARoll <= 90 ?? Outcome|Hit Right Leg --?? $ARoll AND $ARoll <= $Target >= 91 ?? !|Hit Left Leg --Damage Roll|~R [[ [$Dmg] 0d0 + [[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ]] ~R }}
Try this: !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --tokenid|@{selected|Token_Id} --targettokenid|@{target|token_id} --emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks **@{target|character_name}** --corners|0 --format|atwill --name|@{Selected|meleeweaponname1} --Target Number|~R [[ [$Target] 0d0 + [[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]] ]] ~R --Attack Roll|~R [[ [$ARoll] 1d100 ]] ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? !|~R **Your Attack Hits** ~R --?? $ARoll > $Target ?? !|~R **You missed!** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll <= 15 ?? Outcome|Hit Head --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 16 AND $ARoll <= 35 ?? Outcome|Hit Right Arm --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 36 AND $ARoll <= 55 ?? Outcome|Hit Left Arm --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 56 AND $ARoll <= 80 ?? Outcome|Hit Body --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 81 AND $ARoll <= 90 ?? Outcome|Hit Right Leg --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 91 ?? Outcome|Hit Left Leg --Damage Roll|~R [[ [$Dmg] 0d0 + [[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ]] ~R }}
Thx its working now, was it $Target that was in the wrong place?

Edited 1512789284
Btw guys, I was thinking if it would be a good idea to create a discord channel, where people can join in, In that way communication can flow in anotehr way. Dont know if its a stupid idea, but I think it could help alot, specially for us who are new and are learning...just want to put the idea out there. It can also lead to make a youtube guide or something similar as the knowledge of everyone can lead to a couple of nice videos on how to use powercards
Danny C. said: Thx its working now, was it $Target that was in the wrong place? Yes, but it was also that your macro attempted to have two tags with the same name ("Output") display at the same time, which is not possible and leads to the duplicate tag issue in your screenshot.
Silvyre said: ....Otherwise, try adding a line break (i.e. a blank line) before the !power. That fixed the macro from just showing up just as text but regardless where the power card macro is in the char. sheet attack, it always displays after the attack macro runs. Think I'm SOL. Thx anyway Silvyre.
Hello everyone, I am really close to finish my attack macro but I am stuck in the crit part. I am using warhammer second edition and here is a short description of how the crit works on it.  When the player rolls a 10 on the die. Roll to hit again, using all the same modifiers as for the initial roll. If this second roll is successful, the player can roll an additional 1d10 and add the result to the Damage Total. This process continues until the player rolls less than a 10 I tough first about using an exploding dice in the macro, but that just roll automatic everytime I get a 10 in the dice and not takes into account that the second roll must also be sucessful for the crit to appy. I wonder if you guys know a way I can do something similar on my macro. Down I add the powercard macro I am using at the moment with the exploding dices and i Also add the macro that comes with the character sheet for warhammer. I mark in bold the part that I think are important Any tips? !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --tokenid|@{selected|Token_Id} --targettokenid|@{target|token_id} --emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks **@{target|character_name}** --corners|0 --format|atwill --name|@{Selected|meleeweaponname1} --Target Number|~R [[ [$Target] 0d0 + [[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]] ]] ~R --Attack Roll|~R [[ [$ARoll] 1d100 ]] ~R --?? $ARoll > $Target ?? Outcome|~R **Miss!** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll <= 15 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Head** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 16 AND $ARoll <= 35 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Arm** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 36 AND $ARoll <= 55 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Arm** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 56 AND $ARoll <= 80 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Body** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 81 AND $ARoll <= 90 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Leg** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 91 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Leg** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Damage| ~R [[1d10! + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] | [[1d10! + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ~R }} &{template:whfrp2e} {{title=@{Selected|meleeweaponname1}}}{{character_name=@{selected|token_name} attacks @{target|token_name}}} {{target=[[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]]}} {{attacktest=[[1d100]]}} {{qualities=@{Selected|meleequalities1}}}{{damage=[[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]]}}{{impact=[[@{Selected|meleeimpact1}]]}} {{impactdamage=[[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]]}} {{furytest=[[1d100]]}}{{furytarget=[[@{Selected|meleetohit1}]]}} {{furydamage=[[1d10!]]}} {{impactfurydamage=[[1d10!]]}} I am aware that is API script,  but i wonder if you guys would think of something that would be able to simulate the same on the powercard

Edited 1512870085
Dustin G. said: Silvyre said: ....Otherwise, try adding a line break (i.e. a blank line) before the !power. That fixed the macro from just showing up just as text but regardless where the power card macro is in the char. sheet attack, it always displays after the attack macro runs. Yeah, the Text Chat will return whatever processes faster first. In this case, the API command (PowerCard macro) takes longer, so it will be returned after the Roll Template. Danny C. said: i wonder if you guys would think of something that would be able to simulate the same on the powercard It's messy, but you could emulate that dice-rolling mechanic with an expression like this: [[ [NH] {1d9, floor(1d10/10) * (10 + [[ 1d100!>[[@{selected|meleetohit1} + ?{Modifier|0}]]>[[@{selected|meleetohit1} + ?{Modifier|0}]] ]]d10)}kh1 + @{selected|StrengthBonus} + @{selected|meleedmg1} ]] floor(1d10/10) checks if a 10 is rolled. If a 10 is rolled, then the roll returns 10 + a number of d10's rolled equal to the number of times the attack roll is additionally successful. If a 10 is not rolled, then the roll returns the result of 1d9.

Edited 1512949794
Thx, Silvyre but i do have a Question, Do I use this line like this or do I replace it with the one in bold --?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Damage| ~R [[1d10 + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] | [[1d10 + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ~R -- ?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Crit Damage |  [[ [NH] {1d9, floor(1d10/10) * (10 + [[ 1d100!>[[@{selected|meleetohit1} + ?{Modifier|0}]]>[[@{selected|meleetohit1} + ?{Modifier|0}]] ]]d10)}kh1 + @{selected|StrengthBonus} + @{selected|meleedmg1} ]] }} !power {{ --titlefontshadow|none --tokenid|@{selected|Token_Id} --targettokenid|@{target|token_id} --emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks **@{target|character_name}** --corners|0 --format|atwill --name|@{Selected|meleeweaponname1} --Target Number|~R [[ [$Target] 0d0 + [[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]] ]] ~R --Attack Roll|~R [[ [$ARoll] 1d100 ]] ~R --?? $ARoll > $Target ?? Outcome|~R **Miss!** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll <= 15 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Head** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 16 AND $ARoll <= 35 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Arm** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 36 AND $ARoll <= 55 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Arm** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 56 AND $ARoll <= 80 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Body** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 81 AND $ARoll <= 90 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Leg** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 91 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Leg** ~R --?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Damage| ~R [[1d10 + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] | [[1d10 + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ~R }}