D&D 5e: This will be a home-brew campaign; Ideally I am posting this to DMGuild once it complete which is why I am starting the campaign again with a new crew this time on Thrusday to see what differences in choice the make or furthur refinement i need before making this a supplement made avaible to everyone.
Outline:400 Years ago the world was decimated by plague which swept through the land, out of those ashes rose the Dominion of Faroe a Human empire which spanned 54 cities. A little over 300 years since that first plague came it returned as the New Emperor of The Dominion was crowned. This time the blight however was not alone, A fearsome dragon simply know as the Black dread to myths with a orc horde at his back decimated the proud dominion what was once 54 cities is now 11. As our brave heroes take their first steps into the world, rumors of that ancient plague reemerging have once again started up.
In Dawntide the city of heroes it believed to be spreading.
The Party arrive in Dawn tide to find the plague has stricken the village, The Mayor and local Viscount argue about how to handle the situation. Rumors of bandits on the road blockading all merchant traffic also reaches the parties ears, however the Mayor insists the Plague is the bigger issue.
The Man in charge is Viscount Demetrius Baleroy of Bevmordain, He was accompanying the young prince on a tour of the country side, When a strange events happened, the Mayor Logan Coprith of Dawntide, told them to leave.
1) The Well water has disappear and was replaced by a thick black pool of water where it remained. Than in five days from the first occurrence people got sick, every five days since people have died, the old and sick first.
2) The Viscount has asked for help securing the road, but the Mayor insists that Finding Azura Grenwhich is the priority her grandmother was one of the heroes and helped cure this plague last time it occurred. The Viscount says there is no proof this is the same plague, though he does it admit it shows similarity to reports they have from 100 yrs ago.
The Party will have to make the choices and decisions on either to listen to the mayor or viscount
The first few sessions will revolve around the events of dawn tide and securing it's future.
Some Notes: Not all sessions will provide XP and not all rewards will be handled in Gold or Silver. Other rewards maybe offered for Rping, unique circumstances or story elements.
I am looking for active engaged players regardless of skill who will be available on Tuesdays or Wednesdays as these are my current confirmed regular days off.
I have built this world and Will put up some brief Information regarding the Area you will be starting in, I will need each player to Make two different characters, 1 at level 1 and a level 10 character for plans I have.
D&D 5e: This will be a home-brew campaign; Ideally I am posting this to DMGuild once it complete which is why I am starting the campaign again with a new crew this time on Thrusday to see what differences in choice the make or furthur refinement i need before making this a supplement made avaible to everyone.
Outline:400 Years ago the world was decimated by plague which swept through the land, out of those ashes rose the Dominion of Faroe a Human empire which spanned 54 cities. A little over 300 years since that first plague came it returned as the New Emperor of The Dominion was crowned. This time the blight however was not alone, A fearsome dragon simply know as the Black dread to myths with a orc horde at his back decimated the proud dominion what was once 54 cities is now 11. As our brave heroes take their first steps into the world, rumors of that ancient plague reemerging have once again started up.
In Dawntide the city of heroes it believed to be spreading.
The Party arrive in Dawn tide to find the plague has stricken the village, The Mayor and local Viscount argue about how to handle the situation. Rumors of bandits on the road blockading all merchant traffic also reaches the parties ears, however the Mayor insists the Plague is the bigger issue.
The Man in charge is Viscount Demetrius Baleroy of Bevmordain, He was accompanying the young prince on a tour of the country side, When a strange events happened, the Mayor Logan Coprith of Dawntide, told them to leave.
1) The Well water has disappear and was replaced by a thick black pool of water where it remained. Than in five days from the first occurrence people got sick, every five days since people have died, the old and sick first.
2) The Viscount has asked for help securing the road, but the Mayor insists that Finding Azura Grenwhich is the priority her grandmother was one of the heroes and helped cure this plague last time it occurred. The Viscount says there is no proof this is the same plague, though he does it admit it shows similarity to reports they have from 100 yrs ago.
The Party will have to make the choices and decisions on either to listen to the mayor or viscount
The first few sessions will revolve around the events of dawn tide and securing it's future.
Some Notes: Not all sessions will provide XP and not all rewards will be handled in Gold or Silver. Other rewards maybe offered for Rping, unique circumstances or story elements.
I am looking for active engaged players regardless of skill who will be available on Tuesdays or Wednesdays as these are my current confirmed regular days off.
I have built this world and Will put up some brief Information regarding the Area you will be starting in, I will need each player to Make two different characters, 1 at level 1 and a level 10 character for plans I have.