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NewCampaign Knight of the Black Rose a Dragonlance/Ravenloft Campaign


Edited 1480656774
This is our Adventuring partys chapter in the ongoing Saga of the Unlife of the once Noble Knight of the Black rose Lord Loren Soth. This campaign will be ongoing with the party starting on Krynn and ending up in Sithicus Soths Dread Domain in Ravenloft ., then after that who knows how the story will unfold. This is High Magic. high adventure and high ROLEPLAY meaning if youre quiet and say nothing and wont invest in actual roleplay then this campaign isnt for you BUT if you have energy and think your character could be up to the challenge then this is your campaign. Characters start 1st level , No Kits no evil alignments . allows multiclassing and dual classing . Hope to have you join this Epic Campaign. We will be playing Bi weekly on Fridays starting at 7pm-11pm central time first session will be January 6 2017 . roll20 via hangouts Send a Private Message to  Tim W. if you are interested!
currently have 3 players looking for 3 more
update lost a player to a 5 e game we have 2 players now. need as many to play as we can get 
I'm interested, but haven't played 2e in a long while. Used to DM FR in the 90's.

Edited 1480656792
Tom P. said: I'm interested, but haven't played 2e in a long while. Used to DM FR in the 90's. check your messages Send a Private Message to Tim W. if you are interested!