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[Interest Check] Blades in the Dark, an action adventure game about scoundrels and their crew


Edited 1480703315
Blades in the Dark is a game that hasn't been released yet, made by John Harper, about a group of scoundrels - thieves, assassins, spies, gang members, cultists - living in the city of Doskvol and building their criminal empire from the very bottom up. Doskvol is a city surrounded by the Deadlands, where hordes of ghosts and apparitions roam looking for any small bit of life essence to consume. A ghost fence protects the city from these denizens, but even in the city the dead do not rest - within days of death a ghost will rise from the corpse. Within the city, it is mandated that the dead be burned with electroplasm, destroying the ghostly essence, but Doskvol is - more than anything else - a city of factions. In a city with so many different players running so many different agendas, things like city mandates and laws are always fluid at best, and there's a market for everything. The game itself would focus on a group of scoundrels building their crew. Much like a character, the crew itself will have a "character" sheet with moves and abilities, and the crew will advance and grow stronger. But be wary, everything in Doskvol is already claimed, so any success comes at someone else's misfortune - you'll make enemies with everything you do. Of course, the enemy of your enemy... a smart crew will find ways to make friends as well. One really key selling point of this game for me is the way it handles planning heists and smuggling and any score you pursue. I've always been interested in this genre, but hate  having the PCs gathered around a table endlessly debating the merits of this or that plan and trying to come up with every contingency. In this game, the PCs do that, but we  don't - we skip it and go straight to the action. Then, when something goes wrong, we use the tools of the game - including flashbacks - to show how the PCs planned for this. We go straight to you breaking into the manor house, and then if you run into a night watchman, we flashback to when you bribed him not to notice you earlier or when you prepared the sleeping toxin just in case. No endless nitpicking a plan, just gameplay.  I'm thinking about playing Sunday evenings, but any other evenings besides Wednesday could work (oh no Friday/Saturday, like to keep those free), especially if people are in the pacific US time zone (I'm rarely home before 5pm pacific). This game seems like it would work well with a slightly more flexible approach, so maybe we play three or four hours one night and chase a score, and maybe we're all free a few nights later and play for an hour or two to see some slice of life scenes and talk about what's next. The game also has a ruleset for PC downtime - what you do in between scores - and so maybe sometimes we have group text conversations about what the PCs are up to between games. In addition, maybe some weeks you can't show up or want to sit one out, or just want to try out a new character, and that would be no problem either - we wouldn't necessarily need everyone for every score, and maybe your PC is off recovering from the last score while you bring in someone new for a game or two. Eventually - if things are going well! - someone is going to have to spend some time in prison, to take the heat off the crew, so maybe you take the fall for the team and play a badass ghost whisperer while your muscle-bound thug character does some time behind bars. In short, the game can be pretty fluid. I'd say four players would be good for this system, but I've not actually played it yet (I'm still learning the rules - you've been warned!). I would want players who are adults with settled schedules, so mid twenties or later, but mostly I just want to play games with people who are present and into it. You know, using character voices and pushing the story and focusing on role play and character exploration. Blades in the Dark is first and foremost a conversation between a group of people (and then sometimes we roll dice because we don't want the consensus of a conversation but the excitement of arbitrariness) so I'd really want to play with people who can get into, enjoy, and encourage others in a conversation. In other words, I'm not saying I need you to be the most charismatic person I've ever met, but a little personality goes a long way! I think I'm a pretty alright GM, and although this system is new to me I've got some experience with others. I'm not even close to a voice actor, but I'll be trying to give NPCs unique voices and accents - though for some reason any kind of British accent is utterly beyond me (this ain't gonna be no Victorian sounding city of thieves). I'm a shy, introverted person, so anyone playing in a game of mine has no reason not to launch into their character because I'll be doing the same - and you can't embarrass yourself in front of someone who is already actively embarrassing himself! Lastly, I play on the PCs' team (no gotcha moments), and I don't see the GM as the person in control of the story - the GM is just a facilitator, the story is a group creation. So if you're interested in this game - an action-adventure game about scoundrels building a criminal crew from the bottom up, with a heavy focus on roleplaying, character exploration, and group conversation; a game where we get right into the action and don't waste time endlessly debating plans - hit me up. Send me a private message maybe, tell me about yourself, let me see some of your personality. If there's enough people interested, maybe we can try out this awesome new game.
I'm definitely interested but I don't think Sunday evenings would work for me
im interested bt can only do tuesday or wednesdays almost any time at gmt+13
I am interested in this, my sundays and Thursdays are free.

Edited 1480957977
I already sent a DM in response, but I also want to publicly register my interest. 
I'll send a PM as well.
I'm gonna send you a PM, but I'll make my public interest known:  Available Days:  Late Sunday,  Monday After ~4pm CST  Wednesdays ~5pm CST  Every other Thursday ~5pm CST  Tentatively going to say Fridays after ~4pm, but that could change after the new year  Saturdays until 7pm CST