This should probably go without saying, but if you're in my game: Go Away. Shoo! Right, with that taken care of, I am hoping someone could help me with a bit of an unusual problem. In an upcoming encounter, I'm planning to dump my players into a large empty grid and then have them draw cards to build a path. I'm also planning to split them up before hand, so I need a way to synchronize the paths across multiple maps. My original solution was to manually draw and label a grid in the gm overlay and use that for positioning. The problem is that my maps are 99x99 hexes and the grid squares are 3x3 hexes. Obviously, this results in a lot of grids and a lot of labels. I got the grid spaces to transfer just fine, but when I try to put the first set of labels into a group, to transfer them, the tab freezes. I'm not really looking forward to manually doing the rest of the labels in each map, and I'm also wondering if the app can even handle that many objects.This has left me wondering two things: 1) Is there a better way to do this? 2)Is this solution even a good idea? Any help on this matter would be greatly apreciated.