Hey all, I've been stumped for most of the day trying to figure out how to do this particular function in a character sheet. However, since the reference is dealing with macros, I thought I'd post here.
First off, I've read the Wiki and google-fu'd my way a lot trying to make this problem work, and possibly it's a simple misunderstanding of the way the replacement characters work, however I would like to have a confirmation before I start editing the sheet to that degree. Currently, this is the string that I have:
So again, I'm fairly certain this is either impossible without character replacement, or is just incorrect somehow as I am very new to this process. I would appreciate any help that can be provided! Also again, I've reviewed the Wiki among other things for hours now, and either its written and I dont comprehend it, or what I'm trying to do is impossible. Let me know if there is any additional input I missed. Thanks!
First off, I've read the Wiki and google-fu'd my way a lot trying to make this problem work, and possibly it's a simple misunderstanding of the way the replacement characters work, however I would like to have a confirmation before I start editing the sheet to that degree. Currently, this is the string that I have:
@{MYNAME} rolls SIZE with a modifier of @{MOD} : \n/roll 1d20+?{TN > 20?|Yes, X|No, 0}<[[@{SIZ}+@{MOD}]]So, the way this operates, X is the value that is currently the issue. The macro is intended to provide a drop down prompt to select Yes or No, where No equals 0 and Yes is intended to equal [[@{SIZ}+@{MOD}-20]]. Note, the reason I suspect this might be a character replacement problem, is because @{MOD} is a variable number which looks like this:
<input type="hidden" name="attr_MOD" value="?{Modifier?|0}">
So again, I'm fairly certain this is either impossible without character replacement, or is just incorrect somehow as I am very new to this process. I would appreciate any help that can be provided! Also again, I've reviewed the Wiki among other things for hours now, and either its written and I dont comprehend it, or what I'm trying to do is impossible. Let me know if there is any additional input I missed. Thanks!