Hey all. Need your feedback on the following Blademaster prestige class I'm working on for my custom d20 Wheel of Time system. Specifically - need to know if you feel the class feature Blade Meditation is too powerful. You'll notice the class is 15 lvls vs just 10 and that I made the BAB chart reflect actual total BAB (easier to read that way). Also - the sword forms - would you add and additional prereqs to any of the sword forms? Anyway here's a link to the file: <a href="http://epicwords.com/attachments/13308" rel="nofollow">http://epicwords.com/attachments/13308</a> I'm borrowing heavily from multiple sources to include Wheel of Time d20 system, Jesse Jack Jone's modified Wheel of Time d20 system, Pathfinder, and online Wheel of Time fansites to craft this system. When it is completely finished, I'll post it. I'm making the casting (magic) portion portable. I.E. The rules for magic can be used in multiple systems to include straight Pathfinder. More to come on that soon.