40 years later, you find yourselves on the island where the great battle between the evil sorcerer Mozgoroth and the heroes of the past has happened. You all wake up one day with something growing inside of you, a gift of some sort, yet to be revealed but you can feel it; you are the chosen ones. As this "gift" is awakening, you feel yourselves drawn to this little village, a crossroads somewhat, at the end of the desert near the entrance of the once beautiful forest which linked both parts of the island. You find yourselves in the desert of Nuisug, 40 years after the great battle between the evil sorcerer Mozgoroth and the heroes of the past has happened. The aftermath has left part of the land in horrible state. The forests have become tainted by the sorcerer's blood and killed anyone and everyone who dared pass through them to get to the other side of the island. Yet, you have this feeling that this isn't the end of it. There's something much much worse about to happen, or has it already begun ? No contact has been made between both sides since the battle has emerged. Is there still life on the other side ? Were the elves able to keep the nature alive ? What happened to those who fought the sorcerer ? Will you be the one(s) to uncover the secrets of an ancient battle and save the people from all the evil in these lands ? We shall see... - We are looking for 1 stable player who can attend at least 90% of the sessions to take part in his homebrew campaign. If you do not believe that you will be able to commit to a weekly campaign, please do not apply as it wastes everyone's time and messes up character developement and story progression. We use standard d&d 5e rules, and a few optional rules are added if most players agree (such as flanking rules, etc.). All characters start as level 1 and the first session will begin on January 2nd at 18:30 EST. We are looking for players who are willing to roleplay and develop their characters as your "gift" will evolve as your character gains levels and progresses throughout the story. This "gift" is unique for every character according to their personality and fighting style. Please keep in mind that this is not an evil campaign, but takes part in a somewhat evil setting as most of the land is corrupted/tainted. If you have any questions, feel free to post here or send me a private message. For those who want to apply, fill out the simple application found below and send it over by a private message or by posting here. *Note: We will be using discord for voice and this is a diverse group with different accents amongst the players. Also, most if not all of us are above the age of 25 so this is a more mature group where we do like to diss each other as some of us play together in other games. - Name: Age: Experience: Character idea (race, class, backstory):