You'll then need to either replace the #TalentX-MultiKarma call with
[[{1e3, 14}<[[(?{Step}) % 22]] + floor((?{Step}) / 22)]]d20! + [[{0, 1, 1, 2, 6, 10}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] - {-1, 1}>[[?{Step}]] + floor((?{Step} - 3) / 22)]]d10! + [[{0, 5, 9}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] + {-1, 2}>[[?{Step}]] + floor((?{Step} - 3) / 22)]]d8! + [[{-1, 8}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] - {0, 1, 5, 6}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] + {0, 1}=[[?{Step}]] + 1]]d[[4 + 2 * {4, 8, 9, 10}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] + 8 * ({2, 7}=[[(?{Step}) % 11]] * (1 - {-1, 2}=[[?{Step}]]))]]! - [[{-1, 2}>[[?{Step}]] * (3 - (?{Step}))]] + ?{Karma #}d6!
or make TalentX-MultiKarma precisely this.
Likely, the issue is that you have a pair of [[inline roll brackets]] around the above code within TalentX-MultiKarma. If this is the case, you would need to—after making the aforementioned adjustment to #TalentX-MultiKarma—replace all instances of #TalentX-MultiKarma with [[ #TalentX-MultiKarma ]] within all of your other macros.