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Dynamic Lighting: Retaining Explored Areas


Edited 1483638759
This post is effectively a continuation of this topic from a couple years ago:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... The question is whether or not there is a convenient or commonly used method to allow players to retain vision over areas previously explored in a dungeon while using dynamic lighting. Effectively I'd like my dungeon runs to have a bit of a diablo minimap feel for those familiar, which is to say that everything unexplored works as per normal dynamic lighting rules, but once uncovered can continue to be seen by the players. I've read the previous thread in its entirety, but it's a couple years old, so I was checking to see if there are any updated methods. I understand that one method would be dropping a token with light/vision that the players have control over into every explored area. I know I would need to keep monsters sneaking up behind them hidden on the DM layer, but that's not a problem. The reason I'm looking for a better method (if one exists) is because many dungeons have tight turns and nooks/crannies that would make this method very awkward to use. There would either be blind spots or there would be literally dozens of these "vision proxy" tokens on every level of the dungeon. See the basement of Death House in Curse of Strahd for a good example of the "tons of nooks/crannies" problem. Note that I understand the normal "no retained vision" functionality makes the most sense and is the system working exactly as intended and at the most realistic level. That said, my players can get frustrated at quality of life type issues, and I don't want to make them hand map the dungeon as they go through it (as they definitely would not do that; they would just express frustration a few times and eventually request to stop using dynamic lighting all together, which would be disappointing). What I would love to see (and understand is not a technically small feat) would be fog of war to override dynamic lighting settings in all cases. As it is, fog overrides dynamic lighting, but revealing an area does not. I'm effectively looking for "fog of war" to function as it does in most video games (black until explored, greyed out after). Thanks for reading! edit: If the mentioned token method is still the best practice for what I'm trying to accomplish: what is the best token setup people have found or could suggest? Is there a way to have a token that provides light and vision to the players without them seeing the token itself? Anyway to have a "ghost token" of sorts, where the only thing visible is the light silhouette? Any recommended layer/token settings for this would be appreciated!
Scott C.
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The only option is to drop light crumbs as they go. Plexsoup is working on a&nbsp; script to automate this . There isn't any other automated method though.
Andrew C
Marketplace Creator
Players can sketch the map on the draw layer if they want...
It is still the only method, what I do is use an invisible PNG token with an aura that is set for the dm to see. I set it dim light only at 120' and put one at the corners of a long hallways. It works, but the players can accidentally pick them up, so watch for that.

Edited 1483649961
Forum Champion
Ed, if you put the Torch(object) on the Map Layer then your players cannot accidentally move it (the light still shows). &nbsp; Also (maybe better?) if you put the light source on the Dynamic Lighting Layer, then the object-graphic is hidden/invisible anyway (even if it is a torch graphic not an invisible PNG), and again the light still shows for the tokens/players. Another method -- Depending on your mapping style (this could work if you use tiles, or rooms), you can give Light settings to your map tiles, on the map layer. The floor itself can have light settings. However note that the center point of the tile is the origin point of the light, so depending on settings and tile sizes and DL Wall positions, this might-or-might-not serve to fill the nooks and crannies with light.
Scott C.
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Gold said: Ed, if you put the Torch(object) on the Map Layer then your players cannot accidentally move it (the light still shows). &nbsp; Also (maybe better?) if you put the light source on the Dynamic Lighting Layer, then the object-graphic is hidden/invisible anyway (even if it is a torch graphic not an invisible PNG), and again the light still shows for the tokens/players. Another method -- Depending on your mapping style (this could work if you use tiles, or rooms), you can give Light settings to your map tiles, on the map layer. The floor itself can have light settings. However note that the center point of the tile is the origin point of the light, so depending on settings and tile sizes and DL Wall positions, this might-or-might-not serve to fill the nooks and crannies with light. True, but a token on any layer other than the object layer doesn't provide sight.

Edited 1483650678
Very interesting, Gold. Since I'm using jpg maps, I don't think I can use the map lighting method, but I didn't even realize that imported images were themselves tokens and thus could have light intrinsically tied to them. That's awesome! I think a torch on the dynamic lighting layer will be the way to go. I didn't think about putting a light token there: I assumed it would function like the DM overlay and not display on the object layer. Thanks! edit: Ah, hell. Thanks for the clarification, Scott. So it looks like whatever method I choose, the players will be able to grab the light source and move it about if they choose. Bummer.

Edited 1483653125
Sheet Author
Scott C. said: Gold said: Ed, if you put the Torch(object) on the Map Layer then your players cannot accidentally move it (the light still shows). &nbsp; Also (maybe better?) if you put the light source on the Dynamic Lighting Layer, then the object-graphic is hidden/invisible anyway (even if it is a torch graphic not an invisible PNG), and again the light still shows for the tokens/players. Another method -- Depending on your mapping style (this could work if you use tiles, or rooms), you can give Light settings to your map tiles, on the map layer. The floor itself can have light settings. However note that the center point of the tile is the origin point of the light, so depending on settings and tile sizes and DL Wall positions, this might-or-might-not serve to fill the nooks and crannies with light. True, but a token on any layer other than the object layer doesn't provide sight. I believe you can place a "light" token with sight on the map layer as well. Just tested: &nbsp;nevermind... &nbsp;;-(
Scott C.
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Yep, I spent quite awhile trying to figure a work around when I was making ShareVision, but to no avail.

Edited 1483657206
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@Art P: If this is something you're interested in, you should definitely give the LightCrumb script a try. It does exactly what you're asking for. There's still one or two issues to work out, but it's near completion and I could use everyone's help playtesting it. Just make a new script on your game settings/api page and paste in the text from the following gist: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Soon I'll make it 1-click install, but not until it's thoroughly tested. So test it out! It'll speed up the development. I'll add your request to have invisible light-token graphic objects instead of dropped torches.
plexsoup said: I'll add your request to have invisible light-token graphic objects instead of dropped torches. That would be perfect, and I'd be happy to help test your script. Thanks, man.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The easiest way I found to make an invisible token is just to create a 70x70 image with gimp (or any or other art program) and add alpha to the base level then just select all before deleting all the selected. This leaves a transparent base that you can now save as png and upload it. I have one already uploaded and have changed the script image to it. If plex wants the url, I think I can find it again in my console as I have reloaded the script and forgot to copy paste the image url somewhere.
Forum Champion
Vince said: Scott C. said: Gold said: Ed, if you put the Torch(object) on the Map Layer then your players cannot accidentally move it (the light still shows). &nbsp; True, but a token on any layer other than the object layer doesn't provide sight. I believe you can place a "light" token with sight on the map layer as well. Just tested: &nbsp;nevermind... &nbsp;;-( I see, good point. It can "Emit Light" on the other layers, but if it can't "Have Sight" then it doesn't work the way that's needed for the breadcrumb method. So indeed the Torch would need to stay on the object layer.

Edited 1483696821
Marketplace Creator
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API Scripter
The latest version of the LightCrumb script supports transparent images for the lit, shared-vision trail markers. Video in action

Edited 1483718600
You're a hero. Thanks, Plex!