Hey! We'd love feedback on our gameplay so if you're free, we're streaming our game. We also love to have viewers name NPCS and help us determine what happens when our DREAD trigger trips! I'm a newish DM so critique is appreciated! Stream: <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/adrestia_716" rel="nofollow">https://www.twitch.tv/adrestia_716</a> Obsidian Portal:&nbsp; <a href="https://therunelords2015.obsidianportal.com/" rel="nofollow">https://therunelords2015.obsidianportal.com/</a> Discord Channel:&nbsp; <a href="https://discord.gg/MrPXg2w" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/MrPXg2w</a> &nbsp;