OK... a little help needed for a non computer programmer. I am a GM for an FFG Star Wars game. I use the FFG Star Wars API and I recently (this morning) added the Roll 20 Audio Master API, b/c I THINK it might be part of the solution. What I WANT to do: play a specific sound from my downloaded Jukebox songs when a player hits the "roll" button for a particular weapon. The way it works now, a player declares he is going to fire his blaster... I frantically scramble through my sound files... and I hopefully find the right file and hit PLAY about the time he rolls... or soon thereafter. I would rather it play INSTANTLY when the PLAYER rolls the dice. There has GOT to be a way to make this work. I THINK it might be thru typing in macro code in a field within the specific weapon on the character sheet. HELP ME ROLL20 DEVS - YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE :-) - GM Khyrith