<a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/65022/ad-and-d-" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/65022/ad-and-d-</a>... It is the time of troubles, our small group has been tasked with recovering the dispersed and hidden pieces of an ancient relic. We are just leaving Waterdeep on our way towards the Dalelands. the group so far is compromised of three dwarves, 2 fighters and 1 cleric/fighter, 1 human dungsweeper(probably a mage), and a half/elf thief. we are a group that tends to role play a lot more than we roll play, action does happen too :) we are three dwarves strong after all:) so please come and join us in the Realms as the gods are cast to Toril and upheaval is all the rage :)