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Non drag-and-drop way of importing images

I'd like to request that there be an upload dialogue for uploading art assets somewhere in the program (this is how the deck builder works). The logical place would be in the art library manager. I tend to run Roll20 fullscreen, and so its usually more work for me to open up a file browser, set it to 'always on top', navigate to my files, and drag/drop them in than if I could just do it inside the program. Furthermore, I've had problems getting the drag and drop functionality to work at all with Firefox under Linux (it works fine with Chrome, but in Firefox it tends to go to another page and displays the image rather than uploading it). In part this is just a matter of taste as far as preferred usage, but I figured I'd ask anyhow.
I know we've discussed such things being a possibility. I'll look back into that.
Multi-monitors are a wondrous thing... i cant ever imagine being in a work environment without more than one. Granted i know not everyone has the luxury or capabilities of 2+ monitors
KS Backer
Sheet Author
I hear ya, Nich, on the issues in Linux. I just ran into an issue getting Chrome to let me open the Zoom dialogue under Ubuntu. Shame the browsers aren't nearly as universal as a website like R20, despite their multiple platform options.
I would love this as well. I have just gotten a few hundred token images that I really want to use but I don't want to drag in each one and assign keywords to it. Even without a more advanced feature can I request simple REST API that I can POST images to with a Keywords: header that populates the search terms?
I'd also like this feature, as I run Linux with a Window Manager and thus don't have a desktop from which to drag things. This gives me no way to import my own images.
This feature is a must, and perhaps Dropbox integration can lessen the server space load?
lessen the server space load? We don't want to lessen it, I'd say. It is what will be paying for roll20 in the long run, when people will have the chance to buy additional storage. If there's an alternative by using dropbox or direct URLs, then why should people spend money on roll20? And the alternatives would be to have no free accounts at all, or to add ads. And we don't want that, do we? But both an "import from URL" and an "import ZIP" feature would be nice.
I do believe that alternate upload options are in the works.
Its a bit of a chicken and an egg thing to argue that Roll20 should be built to be inefficient (in this case, unable to take advantage of free space available) space-wise, so that it can make money to pay for the space that it only needs because it has been built to be inefficient space-wise... Or to put it another way, intentionally crippling software sucks and is a good way to alienate users. There are other ways to make money, of which art resource packs have already been suggested as one.
I second the .zip function importing, which would allow to import several arts at the same time (or folder importing to the same effect). For the Dropbox, I do understand the concern for the incentive to purchase storage, but in the case of Jukebox, I don't believe the sound files are stored on the roll20 servers, and I'm pretty sure a lot of users don't necessarily want to share their creations with everyone on SoundCloud, so in this specific case Dropbox/Sugarsync access would make sense, don't you think ?
I'd really like to see this as well, and the .zip import seems like a good idea. I'd also appreciate some way to organize our art library other than tags - a folder system would be nice.