What does it do? Did you ever needed to quickly create a
map becouse your adventurers got ambushed while marching thru the
forest, desert or other open space? You had to fill the page with some
texture, sprinkle some trees and other props around so it doesn't look
barren and after 15 minutes you were ready while the players were
falling asleep waiting for you or you could use Terrain Generator script
and have it done in few seconds, spend minute or two to add some
personal touches (camp, flipped wagon, house) and have a nice unique map
for your encounter. But how? Install the script using 1-click install Create rollable table(s) with assets used for ground, trees, rocks, etc. (upload your assets directly from your PC) Use one of the following commands: !TGFillBG [pageName] [rollableTableName] [itemNames] [size] pageName - name of the page on which you want to fill the background rollableTableName - name of the rollable table that contains the ground texture itemNames
- name (or names separated by ',') of the item with ground texture from
rollableTableName (if there is more then one item supplied or there are
few items with the same name the script will select random item from
the list) size - size (in units) of a texture (the texture will be repeated require number of times to fill the whole page For example: !TGFillBG quick_encounter ground_textures grass 15 !TGSpawnTrees [pageName] [rollableTableName] [itemNames] [size] [sparsity] [variation] [randomRotation] pageName, rollableTableName, itemNames and size are the same as in !TGFillBG sparsity
- how sparse the item will be distributed on the page, for example if
sparsity is set to 30 to map will be divided to 30 unit by 30 unit
squares and each square will contain only one object variation - how
much you want to object size to vary, for example with size 10 and
variation 5, each object will be created with size between 10 units and
15 units selected randomly randomRotation - how much do you want to
object to be rotated randomly, 0 means object wan't be rotated at all,
360 means all object will have a random rotation in 360 degrees Note:
despite of its name, it can be used to spawn other scenery elements
then trees (rocks, shrubs, etc.) and it works fine for all of them For example: !TGSpawnTrees quick_encounter trees summer_tree1,summer_tree2,autumn_tree1 5 15 2.5 360 Your
pageName rollableTableName and itemNames can't contain spaces so keep
it in main when naming them and when you want to supply more then one
name for itemNames separate them by ',' only (bad: 'tree1, tree2 ,
tree3', good: 'tree1,tree2,tree3') Show me! Let's start with empty page Add grass texture as background: !TGFillBG encounter_page floors grass5 15 Drop some rocks around: !TGSpawnTrees encounter_page rocks rock1,rock2,rock3,rock4 0.2 30 0.3 360 And finally add some trees: !TGSpawnTrees encounter_page trees atree1,atree2,atree3,atree4 5 25 5 360 And we are done, you can manualy add a campfire, bedrolls and you have a perfect place for your party to be ambushed. Here is a desert created similarly to above forest, just with different assets: If you have any questions/sugestions you can post them here or send me a message here on roll20 Update: You can now use * to select all items in rollable table (ex. !TGFillBG pageName tableName * 15)