Greetings..for my game i decided to use this command,"/em swings at @{target|foe|character_name}! ", at the beginning of my attack rolls for the monsters that i am using against the party in my saturday campaign. for the rest of the macro i use " [[@{monsterthac0}-(1d20+(@{attackadj})+(?{Strength bonus. Do not modify this field|@{strengthhit}}*@{strbonus})+(?{Dexterity bonus. Do not modify this field|@{dexmissile}}*@{dexbonus})+(?{Misc. bonus|+0}))]] using its @{weaponname}" It works fine with the monsters where the command is already attached as a token action, but i was going through the list and adding it to the monsters that don't have it already.. when i have it set up on the wight, all i get is the second part of the the attack command. It doesn't bring up the "Click on token to target" box and when i try to paste it in the chat window and press enter i get the ErrorType: d is undefined error. like i said the whole command works for the tokens its already set for which i worked on yesterday (1/30) but only partially works now..it works when i click on the roll die in the monster sheet but not when i have it set as a token action. Did i do something wrong..All i did was copy and paste the whole command from one token sheet to another.