[Script] Aura/Tint HealthColor GIT Link: <a href="https://github.com/dxwarlock/Roll20/tree/master/HealthColors" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/dxwarlock/Roll20/tree/master/HealthColors</a> Updated 4/5/2017 to 1.5.0 ----------------- Script to show health status of Mobs and Players along with a few other features. It will "Just work" out of the box, no setup needed other than one click to set the bar you use for health. Only if you want to get into the more complex options do you need to set anything else. Description: This script sets the aura or tint of mobs and players to a gradient between green/yellow/orange/red based on how hurt they are. You can toggle it off for specific tokens, have it only on tokens tied to a sheet, or any tokens with a current/max set on the bar you pick. For example in my campaign, players cannot see enemy health bars, OR other players only their own. This lets them tell how badly hurt someone/something is without the age old tabletop "how badly hurt does it look" 20 times during an encounter. NON-PCs : It sets any mob/creature not assigned to any player, and has a min/max on a bar to have an aura based on its damage taken vs total health as the larger outside aura, and the smaller inside to white (to help see it on some backgrounds and give it a sort of 'token base' effect). PCs: Same as above but inside ring set to their roll20/dice color. Here is an example image of various Kobolds in different states of damage. Along with the players all at full health. What Player (Aaron) sees: What GM sees: Basic sample gif of FX: Player Sees: GM Sees: Commands: !aura Menu with toggle buttons: Menu Options: Is On: Global on and off setting. Bar: Set which bar is the one to track. Use Tint: Use tint instead of aura for color of health . Percentage: Set a percentage that this kicks in at values are for PC / NPC. Show Dead: Show red 'X' on dead of PC/NPC. GM sees names: Set if GM can see PC/NPC names. Players sees names: Set if players can see PC/NPC names. Aura Size: Set aura size. One Offs: If tokens not linked to a character use HealthColors if it's bar has values. (Be careful as ANYTHING with a [bar] current&max will trigger it.) FX: Set if Hurt/Heal FX is used. Heal FX Color: Set spurt color for Heal FX. Hurt FX Color: Set spurt color for Hurt FX. DeathSFX: Comma delimited list of sounds to play on death of NPC/PC. Thanks goes to The Aaron for help on a LOT of areas of this.