Note : this new version of the sheet is compatible with previous versions and characters.
Version 2.0 :
Version 2.0 :
- New and more compact design
- Translation compatible
- Added missing derived attributes (Open doors, Spell level, min/max spells)
- Automated calculations (by sheet workers) of derived attributes, when an attribute is modified (ex: modifying Strength will calculate the melee To-Hit mod, Damage mod, Carry mod, Open Doors threshold)
- New "Other" AC modifier to note magic items effect on AC, like rings or curses, wounds, spell effects etc.
- Handling of Ascending and Descending AC (radio button). On change:
- Base AC is (re)set accordingly
- DEX modifier to AC is calculted accordingly
- Ascending AC is calculated by adding Base AC + DEX modifier + absolute value of Armor AC modifier + absolute value of Shield AC modifier + Other AC modifier
- Descending AC is calculted by adding Base AC + DEX modifier - absolute value of Armor AC modifier - absolute value of Shield AC modifier + Other AC modifier
- Gear and Treasure weight are automatically tallied.
- Total gear weight sums every item weight, multiplied by quantity (unit weight assumed)
- Total Treasure weight sums every item weight
- Total wealth is NOT calculated
- Move squares are NOT calculated (depending on house rules and/or local distance measuring units)
- New languages field
- New Hit Dice field (roll formula)
- New separate numeric field in the Saving Throwns bonuses repeating section
- New optional Roll field (dice formula) in the Abilities & Magic repeating section
- Roll buttons added, with chat roll template:
- Hit points from Hit Dice formula
- Standard Saving throw (with success or failure indicator)
- Saving throw with Bonus (with success or failure indicator)
- Open Door (with success or failure indicator)
- Abilies or Magic custom roll
- Attack, with To-Hit and Damage rolls at once
- Layout bug fix: Min/Max spell label was too long, and the corresponding field was hidden
- New 'Total Weight' field (automatically calculated based on total treasure and gear weights, but can be overriden)
- Treasure and Gear total weights calculation optimisation
- Relocate logo from imgur to github