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[LFG/DM] Out of the Abyss - Pref. Sunday (somewhere between 10AM and 10PM GMT+1)


Edited 1487472890
Hello everyone. :) My name is Vivian, I am 29 and from Germany and I want to speak out a minor wish spell. ;) Since "Out of the Abyss" was released for Dungeons & Dragons 5e I wanted to play this adventure so baldy, sadly there are never any willing and experienced DMs around that want to give it a try. Finding players later is easy, so mostly I am looking for a DM with the book who wants to run the whole adventure. Time would be best Sundays (as written in the title), but Fridays (or worst case even Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) would be fine too. I bring multiple years of experience in Pathfinder and D&D5e as DM and player to the table. A good friend (and player of my Wednesday campaign) of mine  would love to join too, so we would already be 1/2 way set with players :). A good session for me has a little bit of everything in it, from RP to combat and exploring. I am not a min-maxer, more living out images of characters that I have on my mind... and if a character dies - well, it happens. :D (I was playing last a Warlock of Undying Light who was afraid of Darkness and didn't get any sarcasm or obvious things in conversations, it was interesting ^^). Rules should include the UAs for more class variety. I personally would love to bring an Arcane Archer / Deep Stalker Wood Elf into the campaign as my 1st attempt in multiclassing, also I have this sneaky magical archer on my mind since quite a while now - and it would fit pretty well into the adventure. Stats I would prefer 4d6d1, but in the end this is the DMs choice. :) I know there is a lot of stuff to keep track of in the adventure, but with the right players (that might be able to take some NPCs etc. and already played D&D before) we could make it easier. I can also help with making tokens for the campaign and other graphic stuff if wanted. :) So yeah, If there is this mystical creature of a willing and good DM out there, please answer your calling and fulfill my minor wish. ;)
Hi Vivian. Sorry I'm not a DM but would love to join as a player if you can get a game rolling. Keep me in mind. For the module are you looking to play 5th edition rules?
Yes. The 5e book came out a while ago, I bought it together with Stormking when it got released but in the end I kept it next to me unread cause I wanted to enjoy it as player first before I DM it myself one day. :D I will shoot you a text if I find a DM or if someone stumbles upon us here and thinks "Sure, why not!" :)
Great. I just got the 5th edition handbook a while ago too. I love how simple it is and would love to play a few campaigns with it. I'm in a game right now with a few others but could definitely get into another one too. Hope you can find a DM soon :)
Hey Vael , Ive been interested in that module, never played it. Id be happy to join as a player aswell. and i have a friend that will join too. so count me as 2 =)

Edited 1487543603
Well that makes our players filled, now we need a DM

Edited 1487537549
I loved DM'ing OOTA for my home group and would be more than happy to run it again.  I am free to run a game on Sundays between 6:30-10pm GMT+1 (If I did the time conversion correctly that would be 12:30-4pm my time US Eastern). And Unearthed Arcana rules are perfectly fine by me.
That sounds perfect! :D I didn't think we would find someone! If you want open the campaign and shoot us all invites. We can discuss more inside the campaign then (voice etc. :) )
If you need another player this sounds like a blast, could potentially trade off DM'ing in the future (still not a ton of experience there but have a lot of ambition to DM). I've been primarily hosting all kinda of different campaigns (a lot of homebrew) in 5E the last year at my place in person and usually get involved pretty heavy helping the DM get set up already, I just love being involved in anything I can(that doesn't kinda ruin the surprise during the game lol) and then even taking over as DM here and there.
Wow, I didn't think we'd actually get someone to DM it for us! Fire me an invite so we can die horribly to giant underground spiders...together! 
Yay looks like we got a DM. Thanks for volunteering Mal. Hope to hear from you soon :)
sweet! , TGrubbs is my friend who will join aswell.