The lack of basic functionality in the Art Library/My Library UI is probably a deterrent to users adding more stuff (which is bad, since that would in turn promote subscriptions). Some really basic things that should work that don't, or don't work as expected: - Can't multi-select in the left-hand column list (though that seems to be an overall UI limitation, so I can understand if that can't be fixed) - Clicking on an item in the "Recent Upload" list or from in the Library brings up the pop-up list, which has a few issues: - No easy multi-select (shift-click) makes this painful for managing a large library -- your only options are individual selection and select all. If you want, say, half the things, welcome to RSI town, population you. - This is the only way to multi-select, but it is limited to Recent Uploads and stuff already in a folder -- you can't bring up search results in this box or search from it - Dragging items to a folder in the right column is really finicky. Getting the hitbox on an empty but open folder seems difficult/impossible. - Why can't I upload directly into a folder? - Right click on an item in "Recent Uploads" has "Copy to Library" option - this isn't clear the "Recent Uploads" is not considered part of "My Library" Hopefully this interface can be fixed up. It makes trying to manage an sizeable library really frustrating. Seriously, try uploading a few hundred tokens and map tiles and then organize them into even a few folders and see if you don't want cry. It's making me want to just upload then delete stuff from my library after use since I can't make manageable sense of it within Roll20 -- and if other feel that way, I expect you are losing out on a lot of subscriptions from folks who would happily pay for more storage if there was a way to effectively manage it.