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Adding Unearthed Arcana Classes to Character Sheet?

Was wondering if was a way to add the Unearthed Arcana Classes to the 5e character sheet

Edited 1488508606
KS Backer
You can manually for all of them but the method depends on which sheet you are using. There are 5e Shaped 5e OGL 5e Community Contributed For the sheets 5e Shaped - Just select Custom at the top in edit mode and fill in as needed. (Artificer and Revised Ranger are nicely included) 5e OGL - Go to the gear tab and down to custom class 5e Community - Nothing is really built it so just write it in as needed.
Ahh didnt know that too late to change now because doing it as a fill in character as I am the DM but good to know. thank you!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The UA Ranger and UA Artificer are added to the Shaped sheet. Did you have a different one in mind?
I was using the regular roll 20 Sheet it makes with Storm King. Which is why I probally couldnt find it.