5e OGL Sheet
Trying to create a token ability macro that will give me not only the rolled active perception check amount, but also give me the stat block for its passive perception. I'm working on this macro from the Taking20 YouTube guide, but cannot get this part to work for me.
Here is the macro. Currently what it does is it gives me two active perception roll blocks.
Trying to create a token ability macro that will give me not only the rolled active perception check amount, but also give me the stat block for its passive perception. I'm working on this macro from the Taking20 YouTube guide, but cannot get this part to work for me.
Here is the macro. Currently what it does is it gives me two active perception roll blocks.
@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} {{name=@{selected|npc_name}}} {{rname=Perception}} {{mod=@{selected|npc_perception}}} {{r1=[[1d20+@{selected|npc_perception}]]}} @{selected|rtype}+@{selected|npc_perception}]]}}