**** **** **** This game has been canceled and is no longer running. **** **** **** Greetings. I am forming a 5e TEXT-BASED, no voice....group that currently has two
players who are writers in it, plus a writing DM (me) that will have a
key player in GMT+1 living in Germany, (the other is American) Saturdays, Starting around 4-5 PM GMT+1. Not roving around so much,
but centered in a Kingdom, and the surrounding lands. Low fantasy, not
too settled. not too much magic. More of a dark ages feel. I will use Healer's Kit Dependency, Slow Natural Healing, and Gritty Realism options from Dungeon Master's Guide page 267.
This will be balanced out because we will have a Cleric and a few paladins , who will confer magical healing, plus clerical healing magic from the Temple of Helm . Experience will be tied to story milestones, not necessarily from killing everything in sight. Alignment will be a big key to this campaign. Looking for 2 more, maybe 3 players, mostly from Europe, GMT, GMT+1, etc. It is okay if your English is off, as long as you can read it and passably write it. As a DM, I am not seeking English perfection, I am seeking to work with a team to tell a story. If you want to play a mostly silent type that is group oriented, okay. as long as you are aware of and can follow the story. Key factors: -
Text Only. If that is not your thing, okay. Please stop here. this is not going to be a voice game. I know text is not common. Normally I run voice, but
this group of new players is forming, they want text only, I like helping new players. And this seems like it will be cool. Text was the push, since they want to write and
describe. So I am setting that up. - Both players so far are relatively new to 5e and roll20. They want at least one more, sweet spot 2 more, but will take 3. - 1st level to start, they want to learn how as we go. - One player is a paladin, and the other a Cleric/Monk, both of "Helm. The God of Protection." - There will likely be another Paladin as an NPC, unless we can get a player for the role.. The concept here is: - Good Aligned, Good, or Neutral Good, and also MATURE PCs. Neutral could work with the right backstory. Absolutely No cutthroat brigand pirates, blackguards, assassins, etc. Not a traditional Adventuring party. Long
term campaign, a few hours, once per week. Day is shaping up to be saturday...but not set in stone. time might change a bit. I have yet to hear back from player
2 as regards time and day. at this point, all i am seeking is
interest at this point. I run two games offline and will be running two on roll 20 including this one, so timing is a bit tight for me. Scenarios will be: The Temple of Helm is beset by enemies. rival temples,
heretics, evil cults. Greed and corruption within the Temple itself.
Events that challenge their holdings across the land, both inside the
Kingdom and outside, since the faith crosses boundaries. So it would be
exploration of ruins and things, caves with old artifacts, but not..
let's go follow this treasure map and see what we can find. Essentially the Temple will act as a patron, until power and prestige of the heroes to be cause them to become self directed. Requirements: Looking for two players, at most 3. Classes desired: Fighter as a temple guard, or peasant that wants a better life through the temple. Ranger as a guide / tracker / hunter, Monk (of Helm), Another Cleric (of Helm), another Paladin (of Helm). We are still working out what will work best, long term. Those kind of things. No wizards, definitely no sorcerers. no tieflings. A rogue would have to have a goodly background as a locksmith, etc etc. , no assassins or like that. A halfling or dwarf or a half elf would be okay, if of good alignment. An Elf would need a compelling story that fits the defense of Helm theme, or from an Elven Alliance or something. A peasant hero...Maybe a paladin who lost their faith. A cartographer, or someone who has skills and is a recent convert. Bards? I don't really see it happening. Low fantasy, with critical hits. Wizards are suspect, sorcerers are enemies. Tieflings, lizardmen, are kill on sight. Magic exists, very few have it. Definitely not looking for dungeon crawl phat lewtz / hit points back to full every day type play for this one. This is going to be a heavily described, heavily themed TEXT-Based sort of campaign in the vein of birthright, without the highlander trappings, and not that vast scope. lots of maps and lore and things. puzzles. RP, combat, but not big boss combat. I am heavily influenced by one rings, literary narrative style of game, so this will be narrative like that, considering all the above. Grow with this new group of players, brand new to D&D with a DM that has played since blue book Original D&D for 40 years, since 1977. Let me know if you are interested, post here or PM me. Still pulling this together to start in a week or two.