Matt G. said: 3rd, we confirm critical fumbles in our game so even if you roll a 1 its not earth shattering, unless you then confirm it by rolling under the enemies AC or by rolling another 1, similar to how critical success works but in reverse. Is there some way write that in to the macro? I see where it pulls from crit_confirm to roll a confirm for that, but I'm looking to add a similar roll for crit fails, and so far my google fu is failing me. I do the same thing in games I DM, and I found the fastest way to do it is to manually edit the macro so that the attack line shows, for example, {{attack=[[ 1d20cs=1cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}} the cs>[[@{crit-target}]] is your regular critical threat and automatically rolls the confirmation as usual, and the cs=1 does the same thing for natural 1s, which are also automatically marked as autofails when you roll, making it so that the roll result shows a failed attack and a critical confirmation roll at the same time