Hey Aaron, I've finally given up on trying to make maps out of tiles on Roll20 - it's just too limiting by comparison to a real drawing program and I inevitably end up with huge, slow maps. So I've gone back to my trusty drawing programmes and thought I would check out your Walls script at the same time. Now, I've never really got my head round bitmap editing/painting programmes for anything other than photo editing. I've watched people use Gimp/Photoshop for doing all sorts of drawing-type things, but working with pixels and brushes makes no sense to me; I think in terms of vectors, shapes and transformations, and I like having primitives that I can edit and rescale. In short, I use Inkscape, not GIMP. I thought that this would make using Walls even easier, since my drawings would already be in SVG to start with, but when I uploaded one, I discovered that your parser only supports a very limited subset of SVG. In particular, it doesn't support the <g> element, which inkscape uses in pretty much every document, even when you output optimized SVG. I've tried hand-pruning the SVG, but your parser doesn't like a bunch of stuff about even the path description that Inkscape puts out. Do you have any interest in trying to extend the parser to support more? Failing that I can try and work out some sort of workflow via GIMP, but at the moment it looks like GIMPs SVG parsing is pretty limited/broken as well, and it's mangling my paths when I load them in :-( Lucian