Hey all, I've got a bunch of map items that I pulled in from the web a while back - lots of tombs and sarcophagi etc. They're scattered all over a couple of maps, and I can't remember which ones were marketplace items, which were from the web, or even if some were from my library somewhere ( I can't find them, so I don't think so). I want to use some of these again, but I have no idea what I searched for to find them - I can't get any of them to appear any more. Now I guess I should originally have "copied to folder" but I didn't. Is there any way (short of writing a script to dump out all the URLs, downloading them and re-uploading them!) to get these tokens back into my library somewhere/somehow? I know I can copy and paste them from one map to the next, but it's fiddly and I just know I'm going to want to do this again at some point - so I'd prefer to be able to file these away somewhere in the library for easy reuse in the future... Cheers, Lucian