I have this in the description of my spell An explosion of energy reaches out doing ?{How many}d6+?{Modifier|0} ?{Which Energy?|Fire| Cold|Electricity|Sonic} dmg to all in it's radius: [[?{How many}d6+?{Modifier|0}]] Fire +1 dmg /die REF save for 1/2 dmg Cold +1 dmg /die FORT save for 1/2 dmg Electricity +2 on Caster Level to overcome Spell Resistance and +2 on Save DC Sonic -1dmg / die ignores object's hardness Augment: +1 PP / +1d6dmg For each 2 PP spent this way DC increases by 1. When I cast it, it asks me to put in the amount of dice to use and the mod. Is there a way to get the DC to adjust itself based on the # of dice that I select. (the power does 3d6 damage normally plus for every 2 additional dice of damage the DC goes up by 1. Is there a way to program the DC field so that it checks to see how many dice over 3 I chose and adds that divided by two as a bonus to the DC?) Thanks for the help! :-)