Okay, so, here's my issue in a nutshell. I'm running a Rogue Trader game featuring ork players. But I don't want to just use random fantasy orks or random pictures online to stand-in for stuff. If we're gonna do it, let's do it right, yeah? So what I need, and what I'd love: A good, somewhat realistic tileset to work for varying backgrounds, maybe with various tree or wall objects I can sprinkle on it. Icons for: Orks, of course, guardsmen, space marines, and maybe some nids thrown in the mix. And a few vehicles would really just be awesome. You know, like the ones you can get on the game that lets you play the tabletop online? Help would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: After some online browsing and tinkering, I remembered Vassal40k. Then I realized using the images in that, I could pretty easily craft my own scenarios using them! Just a useful tip for anyone who reads my topic with the same questions