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[LFP][US-PST][3.5] LF 1 for 3.5 Homebrew, Open world/sandbox campaign!


Edited 1489711971
Ideal times: Sat/Sun, afternoon or evening, US-PST based. - Currently the party is one session in, having just met and arrived at the first real location of the campaign to begin their adventure. Unfortunately, one of the players had to drop due to commitments IRL, but fortunately the party is at a perfect spot to bring in a new player. - The game will be run using Roll20, and voice via Discord or Skype. Once we get in contact, I'll send you a link to a preliminary Roll20 campaign that contains the world map and established lore. - Total party size of 4, will decide schedules based upon player availability, hopefully playing once a week. Weekends are ideal however. - The world will be almost entirely homebrew drawing inspiration from other DnD universes as well as Warhammer Fantasy, and any WOTC-approved book is allowed - though you should check with me if there might be balance issues (such as BoVileDarkness or Exalted). - This will be a high power campaign, and the players will very likely die if they make the wrong choices in the wrong situation. The world is built with limited scaling in mind, meaning if you choose to go to an area which I've planned to be far above your level and rush in without any planning or scouting, do not expect much sympathy when that big-bad-creature TPK's. Though you'll have warnings beforehand and chances to escape (to a point) if you're in over your head. - Powergaming is discouraged, but allowed to a certain point. If you're a Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold or have to draw material for 20 different books to do one specific niche build, it probably isn't a good fit unfortunately. That being said, this is supposed to be a party of already-competent adventurers, so keep that in mind and build around a concept of a "realistic hero". - I'm extremely open to player suggestion and love to hear feedback and ideas from my players as to what they're looking for in a campaign. A good character background and motivation makes my job a thousand times easier and provides a lot more immersion. I'm happy to provide as much world lore as needed, and have set up a Preliminary Campaign that will contain the world map, lore, etc. for you to browse. Starting level 4 with a 32 Point Buy, LA+1 Max (unless further discussed with me). A brief background, and I'm happy to supply world lore (races, locations, etc) as needed after we get in touch. Anything not listed here is still being debated/discussed at this point. If you have any questions, please PM me here or add me on Skype @ **hayes.grady.m** (picture of a grey cat).
Bump, afk from Roll20 for a few hours but still able to respond via Skype!
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