Tokens without Characters aka "Journal Tokens"
For a bunch of reasons, I have found that I would love to be able to have the ability to put a 'programmed' token into the Journal with a bunch of preset details included. These could take the role of: light sources, spell effects, weapon effects, and so forth. I realise that adding additional characters puts a lot of load on the end-user as they download the characters again, so having these sorts of tokens take the same load as a Handout seems desirable for everyone.The sorts of uses I can see for these Journal Tokens:
- spell or weapon effects that may linger (e.g. Entangle spell, smoke grenades, tear gas, an ongoing fire)
- torches or light sources
- Divinations or remote vision methods
EDIT: - Illusions... I am in a game playing an illusionist and I am sure my GM would love a low-lag way to store the stuff I tend to create with the illusions. Wolves, Hill Giants, Trolls, Flying enemies, etc. I'm sure other systems have illusion-like creations that a player could create which would benefit from basically being a token someone can drag out at whim.
- Saves a 'token from the map' including Sight, Auras, Name, Bars
- Does not link to Character Sheet to drop load demands on end users
Player Journal Search
This one is basic... GMs can search the Journal for stuff, players can't.Just let the players search for stuff in the Journal using the same interface box as the GMs.