Code can be found in my repository and will be pushed for one-click install after a couple weeks of beta.
Summary of Major Changes:
- Command syntax changes: The command syntax has changed dramatically to allow more streamlined command parsing and to make it easier for users to control all aspects of the script via macro
- Teleportation improvements: Token teleportation is now much faster. In addition, if you have token removal enabled, the script will copy the current state of a character's pre-existing token on the VTT (it will copy the first one it finds), rather than only creating a token based on a character's default token.
- Destination Token Setup Wizard: There is now a setup wizard for destination tokens. Access it by entering !nav --setup while having a token(s) selected that you want to make into a destination token or update its parameters.
- Page Tags: You can now tag your pages to more easily find them in the script menus by putting your tag on the end of the page's name and surrounding each tag in single square brackets. This also changes how pages are tagged as player accessible. The players tag is created by default and tagging a page with [Players] will add it to that folder and make it player accessible. In addition, you can change player access to any folder from the script's config menu.
- See below for the full help text
Page Navigator allows you to more easily move your players from page to page. Movement can be triggered by chat command or token movement. The script will also handle creation of tokens on the new page for moved players.
Movement Commands & Token Setup
Miscellaeneous Commands and Other Functions
Example Use Cases
Assuming pages named Scrapwall [Numeria][Scrapwall] with locations of "Clockwork Chapel"(LinkLocation:entrance) and "Raider Hideout"(LinkLocation:entrance), Clockwork Chapel[Numeria][Scrapwall] with a location of "entrance"(linkLocation:"Clockwork Chapel"), and Raider Hideout with a location of "entrance"(linkLocation:"Raider Hideout"). And characters named Jonos,Kindle, and Violet.Full Command Syntax Guide
This is the full guide of the chat commands available. Syntax is given with optional arguments enclosed in square brackets (e.g. Required Argument vs. [Optional Argument]). Mutually exclusive arguments are separated by a forward slash (/).Menu Image Examples
Config Menu
Movement Approval Dialog

Unspecified Page Movement Dialog
Destination Token Wizard
- Fixed several bugs that made the script unusable
- Improvements to teleportation logic and storing of character tokens
- improved command syntax
- Destination Token Wizard
- Folders (tags)
- See the previous thread