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[LFP] Gritty Sci Fi/Space RPG - Looking for 2+ More! Fridays


Edited 1492091963
Hello Players! I'm a GM of 25+ years of experience looking for 2 more players to form a tight knit group onboard a seed ship fleeing a dead planet into the Ember Sector as it rises from the ashes of a fallen galactic empire. Once there will you choose to explore ancient human or alien ruins for wondrous tech? Transport legal or elicit goods? Map new hyper lanes? Salvage derelict ships and abandon settlements? Or even fighting for a worthy cause? PCs will need to be proactive and engage the world around them because there are no "quest givers" sitting in a tavern waiting for "heroes." Peoples, organizations, governments etc. will react realistically with their own motivations and goals. __________________________ GAME TIME : Fri days 7pm-10pm PST Campaign Length : 10-15 session "seasons" then a break. Setting : Stars Without Number System : Threshold - 2d6 Skill based resolution system. If interested in joining or for more information on the setting please click on the link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Thx for stopping by, -Keaggan
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
As you've started a new thread for this seeking, I shall close this one for you.