Hi all,
I have a Problem regarding some Macros. What I want to do is this:
My Macro so far looks like this here:
I always get the Error "No attribute was found for @{selected|?{Attribut 1}"
Is there a way to fix this?
I have a Problem regarding some Macros. What I want to do is this:
My Macro so far looks like this here:
&{template:default} {{name=Ritualkenntnis Probe}} {{Ritualkenntnis=[[?{Ritualkenntnis}]]}} {{Attribut 1=?{Attribut 1|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}} {{Attribut 2=?{Attribut 2|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}} {{Attribut 3=?{Attribut 3|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}} {{Probe 1=[[1d20]] < [[@{selected|?{Attribut 1|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}]]}} {{Probe 2=[[1d20]] < [[@{selected|?{Attribut 2|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}]]}} {{Probe 3=[[1d20]] < [[@{selected|?{Attribut 3|MU|KL|IN|CH|FF|GE|KO|KK}}]]}}
I always get the Error "No attribute was found for @{selected|?{Attribut 1}"
Is there a way to fix this?