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[Script Update] RecursiveTables -- Now with direct support for Whispering Roll Templates and more!

April 23 (7 years ago)

Edited April 23 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
Update v0.2.0 -- Completely rewritten recursion engine taking advantage of Promises and lots of error handling.  Automated fixing of API sendChat() inline rolls (in most cases).  New formatting options.  Thanks Scott C. for the ground work on the RollTemplate fix!

RecursiveTable provides a way to expand the results of Rollable Tables which have inline rolls within them. Now with options and support for whispering Roll Templates.  When using Rolltemplates, your message must have at least one {{ that in not coming from a Rollable Table. When using the PrefaceUniqueSpace option, be sure your {{name=something}} is first.


!rt[options] [--help| ... ]
Performs all inline rolls, then continues to expand inline rolls (to a default maximum depth of around 10).
  • --help -- Shows the Help screen.
  • ... -- Anything following !rt will be expanded, then sent to to the chat.


These are inline settings to adjust how the rolls are put together. Options are specified in [ ] right after the !rt:
!rt[delimiter:-|maxdepth:20] something
Options are separated with the verticle pipe symbol (|) and have an optional argument separated by a :. Omitting the argument causes true to be used for switch options, or the default value. All Options are case insenstive. Options are one of 3 types: Number (any integer), Boolean (true values: on, yes, y, true. false values: off, no, n, false), or text (any value except ], use \| for |)
  • MaxDepth -- Specifies the number of recursions to perform. Default: 10 (Number)
  • Delimiter -- A string of text to put between table items. The special value BR will cause html line breaks to be used. Default: , (String)
  • DropEmpty -- Causes empty table items to be dropped before joining with the delimiter. Default: on (Boolean)
  • Sort -- Causes table items to be sorted before being joined by the delimiter. Note that this happens at a single layer of recursion, so if you have table items made of of lists of table items, the sorting will only be at each level. Default: off (Boolean)
  • PrefaceUniqueSpaces -- Causes the final message to have a unique number of spaces inserted after each {{. This is useful if you're building Roll Templates and might have multiple lines with the same label. Default: off (Boolean)


Basic usage, whispering treasure to the gm:
!rt /w gm [[1t[treasure-table]]]

Whispering a roll template:
!rt /w gm &{template:default}{{treasure=[[1t[treasure-table]]]}}

Whispering a roll template, with each item on a separate line:
!rt[Delimiter:BR] /w gm &{template:default}{{treasure=[[1t[treasure-table]]]}}

Whispering a roll template, with each item on a separate line, with empty results replaced by Nothing:
!rt[Delimiter:BR|EmptyDefault:Nothing] /w gm &{template:default}{{treasure=[[1t[treasure-table]]]}}

Whispering a roll template, with each item on a separate line, with a table that is returning {{label=values}}:
!rt[Delimiter:BR|PrefaceUniqueSpace] &{template:default}{{name=Treasure Bundles}}[[5t[treasure-bundle]]]

Prior Thread:

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April 23 (7 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Awesome Aaron, looks much cleaner and simpler than the rough concept I did up. Can't wait to integrate this into my campaign.
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
I didn't bring over the table roll offsets yet, do you still use those?
April 24 (7 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I have one thing that I use them for, but not as much as I thought I would.
So, is there any way to keep the critical success formatting of a roll with this script?  I'm using this macro:

!rt /w GM &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Random Encounters}} {{roll1=[[1d6cs<1cf>2]] }} {{roll2=[[1t[?{Table?|Daytime-Encounters|Nighttime-Encounters|Marsh-Encounters|Laughing-Hollow-Encounters|MistyWoodEncounter|HighMoorEncounter|NagaDungeon1|NagaDungeon2}] ]] }}

It works fine now with the roll template, but the red or green highlights around "roll1" disappear.  That's the roll to determine if an encounter has occurred, the second roll on the table is what the encounter is.  Is that a limitation of the script?
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
That is a limitation. Instead, I'd suggest having a table with 2 entries:

weight 5:
{{roll1=No Encounter}}
weight 1:
{{roll1=[[1t[?{Table?|Daytime-Encounters|Nighttime-Encounters|Marsh-Encounters|Laughing-Hollow-Encounters|MistyWoodEncounter|HighMoorEncounter|NagaDungeon1|NagaDungeon2}] ]] }}

then roll on it:
!rt /w GM &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Random Encounters}} [[1t[encounter-check]]]

That will give you the encounter if it's rolled, or No Encounter if it isn't. 
The "No Encounter" part worked fine.  I just kept rolling until an encounter came up, and I "encountered" this error:

April 24 (7 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Ah, not sure if it's the cause, but the roll query won't work because they aren't triggered by script sent messages. This could have caused the error because the script couldn't find a table named ?{Table?|Daytime-Encounters|...
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
Oh, yeah, missed that query.. was doing that on my phone.

So, make multiple entry tables:
!rt [[ 1t[?{Table|Daytime-Encounter-Check|Nighttime-Encounter-Check|Marsh-Encounter-Check|Laughing-Hollow-Encounter-Check|MistyWood-Encounter-Check|HighMoor-Encounter-Check|Naga-Dungeon1-Check|Naga-Dungeon2-Check}] ]]
Each of those -Check tables would have 2 entries:
{{roll1=No Encounter}}
weighted appropriately. 

That's a bit more work on the setup, but gives you more control on the chance of encounters, if you want.
Hm...that's not working either.  Getting this error in chat:

(From RecursiveTables): An error occured parsing this roll: {{roll1=[[Naga-Dungeon1]]}}
Error: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "N" found.
April 24 (7 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Guess that's supposed to roll a table, but you're missing the proper formatting:
[[xt[tablename] ]]
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
Yup, should be:
{{roll1=[[ 1t[Naga-Dungeon1] ]] }}
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
(But hurray for the new error output, so much easier to track this down than it was before!)
Yep, that did it.  Thanks guys!
April 24 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
Cool!  Happy Rolling!
This is fantastic news!  I just tested the new script and my treasure rolls whisper in a template just like I wanted them to.  Thanks!
April 28 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
Sweet. :). Happy Rolling!
April 28 (7 years ago)
I was trying to make my tables into command buttons so that I can have one macro to call up my rollable tables and then I can just have rt whisper me the results, but on my proof of concept run it performed strangely

My command was:
[test](!rt [[1t[IoD_Island_and_Peninsula_Encounters]]])
Is there something else I need to do?
April 28 (7 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
API command buttons don't play well with inline rolls (the roll gets changed to be the contents of the hover text rather than the actual result. HTML encode the inline roll brackets and you'll be good to go:
[test](!rt &#91;&#91;1t[IoD_Island_and_Peninsula_Encounters]&#93;&#93;)
April 28 (7 years ago)

Edited April 28 (7 years ago)
That solved it! Thank you very much!  I always get confused when I do or don't need to use the HTML code for my macros and abilities lol.
April 30 (7 years ago)

Edited April 30 (7 years ago)
If I put icons in my rollable tables and use this format for the table "!rt &{template:default}{{treasure=[[1t[treasure-table]]]}}" is there anyway to display the icons to the side of the item name?
April 30 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
No, but that's a fantastic idea. Where would you want them shown, to the right or left? And how large?
To the left and not really large just a picture to go with the item. 
May 01 (7 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
I imagine I can do something along those lines. :)