Hey guys, don't miss your chance to join the gonzo, psychedelic, old school tinged adventures of Dungeon Crawl Classics! This Sunday, April 30th at 8:30 PM EST is the first 0-Level character funnel "Hole In The Sky"! Sick of being in a group where one player wants to emulate Critical Role too much, or half the table is picturing a YA-7 rated anime adventure, and you are partial to a more Frank Frazetta/Brom/Simon Bisley type of aesthetic? Do you miss the old school, Gygaxian style dungeon runs, but want them mixed with a dash of a modern twist? Sick of 5th Edition, where players are nigh immortal self healers at level 1, and there is no sense of danger? Sick of the tired, predictable adventures churned out by the mega-popular corporate ran games? Sick of min-maxing, numbers-focused, game breaking players who have the same roleplay for every character? Want to see crazy random spell effects? Join us Neo-Grognards in DCC! All you need is a pdf or hard copy of the rules (any edition, really)! Spellburn, Mercurial Magic, Patron Taint, Mighty Deeds of Arms...this game has it all in a simple, fast paced, super random system I have grown to love. Got what it takes? Interested? Check the listing: Dungeon Crawl Classics