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TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined - Again

Hi everybody As I don't have any experience in programming, I'd like to apologize for what seems to be basic question, but after having read quite a lot of internet pages and wikis, I still have no idea what's wrong with my macro... I'd like to run a silent perception check for my party (composed atm of Gruuf and Gruuf2) with the Pathfinder Sheet If I select either one of the players and use the macro : /w gm &{template:pf_generic} @{selected|toggle_accessible_flag} @{selected|toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{selected|rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{selected|header_image-pf_generic}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=[Perception]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)} } {{Gruuf =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}{{Gruuf2 =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf2|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}} there's no problem whatsoever. However if I use : /w gm &{template:pf_generic} @{toggle_accessible_flag} @{toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=[Perception]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)} } {{Gruuf =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}{{Gruuf2 =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf2|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}} it returns the error : TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined I understand some of the code used (I copy pasted it from a website and tweaked it a bit), but I don't really understand how that template thingy works :s Hope you can help me Corwin

Edited 1493478225
The Aaron
API Scripter
In the second one, you have @{rolltemplate_color} instead of @{ selected| rolltemplate_color}. &nbsp;That's probably the issue...
The Aaron
API Scripter
ditto @{header_image-pf_generic}
The Aaron
API Scripter
Try this: /w gm &{template:pf_generic} @{selected|toggle_accessible_flag} @{selected|toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{selected|rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{selected|header_image-pf_generic}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=[Perception](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)}} {{Gruuf =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}{{Gruuf2 =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf2|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}
Thanks for the (very) quick answer That was the point... I didn't want to have anything selected, as it is a silent party macro. Wouldn't then matter if a NPC was selected, or a monster, or anything else

Edited 1493479297
Forum Champion
Corwin Whitehorn said: I didn't want to have anything selected In that case, either Remove the keywordless Attribute calls (plus any corresponding fields) from the macro, i.e. @{toggle_accessible_flag} @{toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}}{{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}}) Or, add the &lt;character_name&gt; keyword to all of the above Attribute calls, e.g. @{Gruuf|toggle_accessible_flag} Or, determine what each of the above Attribute calls do/affect and then replace them with your desired values Attribute calls (e.g. @{AC}) that are not placed within one of tabs of a Character Window (e.g. within a field on the Character Sheet Tab or within an Ability on the Attributes & Abilities Tab ) must use a keyword to let the parser know which Character you intend to call that Attribute from (e.g. @{selected|AC}). Using a Selected Token with a Macro Using a Targeted Token with a Macro
The Aaron
API Scripter
Ah. &nbsp;So there are two ways around that. 1)&nbsp;&nbsp;add as an ability on the character so that they can reference attributes on that character. /w gm &{template:pf_generic} @{toggle_accessible_flag} @{toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=[Perception](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)}} {{@{character_name} =[[(1d20 + [[@{Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{perception-item}]] [Item])]]}} then call with the % syntax on a specify character: %{Gruuf|perception-check-ability} %{Gruuf2|perception-check-ability} 2) Use one of the characters to grab the default template settings: /w gm &{template:pf_generic} @{Gruuf|toggle_accessible_flag} @{Gruuf|toggle_rounded_flag}{{color=@{Gruuf|rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{Gruuf|header_image-pf_generic}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=[Perception](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)}} {{Gruuf =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}{{Gruuf2 =[[(1d20 + [[@{Gruuf2|Perception}]] [Perc] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-racial}]] [Race] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-trait}]] [Trait] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-feat}]] [Feat] + [[@{Gruuf2|perception-item}]] [Item])]]}}
The Aaron
API Scripter
(What Silvyre said! =D)
Thanks a lot to both of you! Of course, it looks so simple now that I know the answer :D. I just didn't understand why I had to select something to give rounded corners to a dice result.:s And to thinks that I wanted to make a macro that would automatically get the name of all the PC present and then make their perception roll...I'm definitively not on that level :D May the dice be with you ;)