Is there any way to call on a weapons list from the character sheet? I want a drop down menu as a variable. For instance in the character sheet the character has two weapons, short sword and long sword. When activating the 2nd edition attack macro a prompt pops up letting me choose which weapon I want. I don't want to make individual macros for each weapon. Here's the base macro I'm using &{template:2Eattack}{{title=@{selected|token_name} USES A @{selected|weapsize} SIZED @{selected|weaponname} TO ATTACK @{target|token_name}}}{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|ThAC0}-((D20?{ATTACK ROLL MODIFIER|+0})+(@{selected|attackadj})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|strbonus})+(@{selected|dexmissile}*@{selected|dexbonus}))]]}}{{dmg_s=[[((@{selected|damsm}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{{dmg_l=[[((@{selected|daml}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{{ crit = Roll extra die for crit }} {{ fumble = You Fumble }}