I've made some minor changes to Matt's Door Script. If you're using it, you might want to try this one to catch some common issues while setting up:
//=========== name spacing ========== state.DoorControls = state.DoorControls || {}; var statusDoors = {}; //=========== user customization ========== statusDoors.interactRange = 2; //max range in map units statusDoors.detectionRange = 2; //max range in map units statusDoors.DoorPathColor = "#FFFF00"; statusDoors.attribFindHidden = "Perc"; statusDoors.attribOpenLocks = "TT"; statusDoors.attribFindTraps = "FT"; statusDoors.attribRemoveTraps = "TT"; statusDoors.hFlipOnOpen = true; // flip switch control horizontally when opened statusDoors.vFlipOnOpen = true; // flip switch control vetically when opened // usePercentageChecks determines how checks against skills are rolled // when true: attribute score + door modifier >= d100 equals success // when false: d20 + attribute score >= door modifier equals success statusDoors.usePercentageChecks = false; statusDoors.detectHiddenDC = 10; // =========== script constants - do not modify ========== statusDoors.lockStatus = "bar1_value"; statusDoors.lockQualityAdj = "bar1_max"; statusDoors.isUnlocked = "0"; statusDoors.isLocked = "1"; statusDoors.trapStatus = "bar2_value"; statusDoors.trapQualityAdj = "bar2_max"; statusDoors.trapNone = "0"; statusDoors.trapActive = "1"; statusDoors.trapResets = "2"; statusDoors.trapTriggered = "3"; statusDoors.trapDisabled = "4"; statusDoors.sideDoorOpen = "bar3_value"; statusDoors.sideDoorClosed = "bar3_max"; statusDoors.doorType = "aura1_radius"; statusDoors.doorTypeVisible = "0"; statusDoors.doorTypeHidden = "1"; statusDoors.doorTypeRevealed = "2"; statusDoors.doorSideActive = "aura2_radius"; statusDoors.doorSideBoth = "0"; statusDoors.doorSideNorth = "1"; statusDoors.doorSideSouth = "2"; // Clean image source: https://wiki.roll20.net/API:Cookbook#getCleanImgsrc var getCleanImgsrc = function (imgsrc) { var parts = imgsrc.match(/(.*\/images\/.*)(thumb|med|original|max)([^\?]*)(\?[^?]+)?$/); if(parts) { return parts[1]+'thumb'+parts[3]+(parts[4]?parts[4]:`?${Math.round(Math.random()*9999999)}`); } return; }; //=========== constructors ========== //define a door object function DungeonDoorControl() { "use strict"; var thisSwitch, thisDoor, thisWall; this.Load = function (SwitchID) { try { thisSwitch = getObj("graphic", SwitchID); if (thisSwitch === undefined){ throw "Error loading Switch from id: " + SwitchID; } thisDoor = getObj("graphic", state.DoorControls[SwitchID].DoorID); if (thisDoor === undefined){ throw "Error loading Door from id: " + SwitchID; } thisWall = getObj("path", state.DoorControls[SwitchID].PathID); if (thisWall === undefined){ throw "Error loading Wall from id: " + SwitchID; } return true; } catch (err) { log(err); return false; } }; var SetMultiSide = function (side) { if(/^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/.test(`${side}`)){ let imgurl =decodeURIComponent(thisDoor.get("sides").split(/\|/)[parseInt(side,10)]); let img=getCleanImgsrc(imgurl); if(img){ thisDoor.set({ currentSide: side, imgsrc: img, }); } else { sendChat("Matt's Door Script",`/w gm Not a marketplace image: <code>${imgurl}</code>`); } } else { sendChat("Matt's Door Script",`/w gm Door side indexes need to be set in bar3 current (open) and max (closed).`); } }; this.Open = function (pc) { //do nothing if door already open if (!this.IsClosed()) return; //trigger trap if armed and not GM if (!pc.IsGM() && SameSide(pc) &&( thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapActive || thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapResets)) { var trapNotes = decodeURIComponent(thisSwitch.get("gmnotes")).replace(/PC/g, pc.CharacterSheet().get("name")); sendChat("","/desc TRAP! " + trapNotes); //record the trap was found state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFound = true; //flag trap as triggered if not resetting if (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapActive) thisSwitch.set(statusDoors.trapStatus, statusDoors.trapTriggered); return; } //do not open if locked and not GM if(!pc.IsGM() && SameSide(pc) && thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.lockStatus) === statusDoors.isLocked) { //sendChat("","/desc This door appears to be locked."); pc.Announce("cannot open the door because it is locked."); return; } //set the door controls for open state thisWall.set("layer","gmlayer"); thisSwitch.set({ fliph: statusDoors.hFlipOnOpen, flipv: statusDoors.vFlipOnOpen, }); SetMultiSide(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.sideDoorOpen)); if (!pc.IsGM()) pc.Announce("opens the door."); }; this.Close = function (pc) { //do nothing if door already closed if (this.IsClosed()) return; //set the door controls for closed state thisWall.set("layer", "walls"); thisSwitch.set({ fliph: false, flipv: false, }); SetMultiSide(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.sideDoorClosed)); if (!pc.IsGM()) pc.Announce("closes the door."); }; this.PickLock = function(pc) { //do nothing if door is open or is GM if (!this.IsClosed() || pc.IsGM()) return; //do nothing if door is not locked if (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.lockStatus) !== statusDoors.isLocked || !SameSide(pc)) { pc.Whisper(null, "The door does not appear to be locked."); return; } //do nothing if character can't pick locks if(!pc.HasSkill(statusDoors.attribOpenLocks)) { pc.Announce("does not possess the skill to unlock this door."); return; } //check if character has attempted to unlock this lock before try { var prevAttempt = state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].UnlockAttempts[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")]; if (prevAttempt === undefined) throw "character has not seen this lock before"; //respond based on first attempt if (prevAttempt) { pc.Announce("is familiar with this lock, and quickly unlocks it again."); thisSwitch.set(statusDoors.lockStatus, statusDoors.isUnlocked); } else { pc.Announce("continues to fail at picking this lock"); } return; } catch (err) { } //roll the dice var charSkill = pc.SkillLevel(); var lockAdjust = (isNaN(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.lockQualityAdj))) ? 0 : parseInt(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.lockQualityAdj)); if (statusDoors.usePercentageChecks) { var rollResult = randomInteger(100); var actionSuccess = (Math.min(charSkill + lockAdjust, 95) >= rollResult) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM PICK LOCK: " + charSkill + "% chance with " + lockAdjust + "% lock modifier versus a roll of " + rollResult + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } else { var rollResult = randomInteger(20); var actionSuccess = (rollResult + charSkill >= lockAdjust) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM PICK LOCK: d20 roll of " + rollResult + " plus skill " + charSkill + " vs DC " + lockAdjust + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } //record the results state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].UnlockAttempts[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")] = actionSuccess; //announce the results to the party if (actionSuccess) { pc.Announce("has successfully unlocked the door."); thisSwitch.set(statusDoors.lockStatus, statusDoors.isUnlocked); } else { pc.Announce("does not possess the skill to unlock this door."); } }; this.FindTraps = function(pc) { //do nothing if GM if (pc.IsGM()) return; //do nothing if character can't find traps, there is no trap, or on the wrong side if (!pc.HasSkill(statusDoors.attribFindTraps) || thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapNone || !SameSide(pc)) { pc.Announce("is confident there are no active traps on this side of the door."); return; } //no need to check if trap has already been found if (state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFound === true) { pc.Announce("believes a trap has already been found."); return; } //check if this character as attempted to find traps before on this door try { var prevAttempt = state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFinding[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")]; if (prevAttempt === undefined) throw "character has not seen this trap before" //respond based on previous search if (prevAttempt) { pc.Announce("is familiar with this trap, and quickly identifies it."); } else { pc.Announce("is confident there are no active traps on this side of the door."); } return; } catch (err) { } //roll the dice var charSkill = pc.SkillLevel(); var trapAdjust = (isNaN(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapQualityAdj))) ? 0 : parseInt(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapQualityAdj)); if (statusDoors.usePercentageChecks) { var rollResult = randomInteger(100); var actionSuccess = (Math.min(charSkill + trapAdjust, 95) >= rollResult) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM FIND TRAPS: " + charSkill + "% chance with " + trapAdjust + "% trap modifier versus a roll of " + rollResult + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } else { var rollResult = randomInteger(20); var actionSuccess = (rollResult + charSkill >= trapAdjust) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM FIND TRAPS: d20 roll of " + rollResult + " plus skill " + charSkill + " vs DC " + trapAdjust + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } //record the character's results state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFinding[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")] = actionSuccess; //announce the results to the party if (actionSuccess) { pc.Announce("believes there is a trap on this door."); state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFound = true; } else { pc.Announce("is confident there are no active traps on this side of the door."); } }; this.RemoveTrap = function(pc) { //do nothing if GM if (pc.IsGM()) return; //verify trap has been found if (state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapFound !== true) { pc.Whisper(null, "No one has found a trap to remove."); return; } if (!SameSide(pc)) { pc.Whisper(null, "I am on the wrong side of the door to disarm this trap."); return; } //do nothing if character can't remove traps if (!pc.HasSkill(statusDoors.attribRemoveTraps)) { pc.Announce("is confident there are no active traps on this door."); return; } //check if this character as attempted to remove trap before on this door try { var prevAttempt = state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapDisarming[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")]; if (prevAttempt === undefined) throw "character has not tried removing this trap before" //respond based on previous search if (prevAttempt) { switch(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus)) { case statusDoors.trapDisabled: pc.Announce("believes this trap has already been disarmed."); break; case statusDoors.trapTriggered: pc.Announce("believes this trap has already been triggered."); break; default: pc.Announce("is familiar with this trap, and disarms it without a problem."); thisSwitch.set(statusDoors.trapStatus, statusDoors.trapDisabled); break; } } else { //always fail if first attempt was failed pc.Announce("believes any trap present has been disabled."); } return; } catch (err) { } //do not count as an attempt if trap is not active if (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) !== statusDoors.trapActive && thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) !== statusDoors.trapResets) { pc.Announce("believes any trap present has been disabled."); return; } //roll the dice var charSkill = pc.SkillLevel(); var trapAdjust = (isNaN(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapQualityAdj))) ? 0 : parseInt(thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapQualityAdj)); if (statusDoors.usePercentageChecks) { var rollResult = randomInteger(100); var actionSuccess = (Math.min(charSkill + trapAdjust, 95) >= rollResult) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM REMOVE TRAP: " + charSkill + "% chance with " + trapAdjust + "% trap modifier versus a roll of " + rollResult + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } else { var rollResult = randomInteger(20); var actionSuccess = (rollResult + charSkill >= trapAdjust) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM REMOVE TRAP: d20 roll of " + rollResult + " plus skill " + charSkill + " vs DC " + trapAdjust + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } //record the character's results state.DoorControls[thisSwitch.get("_id")].TrapDisarming[pc.CharacterSheet().get("_id")] = actionSuccess; //disarm trap if attempt was successful if (actionSuccess) { thisSwitch.set(statusDoors.trapStatus, statusDoors.trapDisabled); } //announce pseudo-results to the party pc.Announce("believes any trap present has been disabled."); }; var SameSide = function(pc) { //true if set to both sides if (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.doorSideActive) === statusDoors.doorSideBoth) return true; //determine angle to door based on rotation var a = (Math.atan2(pc.MapToken().get("top") - thisDoor.get("top"), thisDoor.get("left") - pc.MapToken().get("left")) * 180 / Math.PI + 180 + thisDoor.get("rotation")) % 360; var isNorth = (a >= 0 && a <=180) ? true : false; //return true if same side if (isNorth && thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.doorSideActive) === statusDoors.doorSideNorth) return true; if (!isNorth && thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.doorSideActive) === statusDoors.doorSideSouth) return true; return false; }; this.DetectSecret = function(pc) { if (IsPathInRange(pc)) { //roll the dice var charSkill = pc.SkillLevel(); if (statusDoors.usePercentageChecks) { var rollResult = randomInteger(100); var actionSuccess = (charSkill >= rollResult) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM DETECTION (" + pc.CharacterSheet().get("name") + "): " + charSkill + "% chance vs roll of " + rollResult + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } else { var rollResult = randomInteger(20); var actionSuccess = (rollResult + charSkill >= statusDoors.detectHiddenDC) ? true : false; sendChat("Doors", "/w GM DETECTION: d20 roll of " + rollResult + " plus skill " + charSkill + " vs DC " + statusDoors.detectHiddenDC + ": " + ((actionSuccess) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } //reveal door if detected if (actionSuccess) { thisSwitch.set({ layer: "objects", aura1_radius: statusDoors.doorTypeRevealed, }); pc.Announce("has discovered a hidden door."); sendPing(thisDoor.get("left"), thisDoor.get("top"), thisDoor.get("_pageid"), null, false); } } }; var IsPathInRange = function (pc) { //split lastmove into array var lastmove = pc.MapToken().get("lastmove").split(","); var P1 = {X: pc.MapToken().get("left"), Y: pc.MapToken().get("top")}; var P2 = {X: 0, Y: 0}; var P3 = {X: thisDoor.get("left"), Y: thisDoor.get("top")}; var dX = 0; var dY = 0; var u = 0; var d = 0; //loop for each move segment, stop if ever true for (var i = lastmove.length; i > 0; i -=2) { //read the next point P2 = {X: parseInt(lastmove[i-2]), Y: parseInt(lastmove[i-1])}; log("Segment (" + P1.X + "," + P1.Y + ") and (" + P2.X + "," + P2.Y + ") to point (" + P3.X + "," + P3.Y + ")"); //set up delta values dX = P2.X - P1.X; dY = P2.Y - P1.Y; u = ((P3.X - P1.X) * dX + (P3.Y - P1.Y) * dY) / (Math.pow(dX, 2) + Math.pow(dY, 2)); //limit resuts to the move segment u = ( u > 1) ? 1 : (u < 0) ? 0 : u; log( " u factor: " + u.toFixed(2)); //calculate distance between segment and point d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(((P1.X + u * dX) - P3.X),2) + Math.pow(((P1.Y + u * dY) - P3.Y),2)); log(" distance: " + d.toFixed(2)); if ( d <= statusDoors.detectionRange * 70) return true; //move P2 to P1 P1 = {X: P2.X, Y: P2.Y}; } return false; }; this.IsClosed = function() { return (thisWall.get("layer") === "walls") ? true : false; }; this.OnPage = function() { try { return thisSwitch.get("_pageid") } catch (err) { return undefined; }; }; this.Icon = function() { return thisDoor; }; this.Control = function() { return thisSwitch; }; this.IsLocked = function() { return (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.lockStatus) === statusDoors.isLocked) ? true : false; }; this.IsTrapped = function() { return (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapActive || thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.trapStatus) === statusDoors.trapResets) ? true : false; }; this.IsHidden = function() { return (thisSwitch.get(statusDoors.doorType) === statusDoors.doorTypeHidden) ? true : false; }; }; //define a player object function PlayerControl() { var thisAs; var thisCharacter; var thisToken; var roleGM = false; var thisAttrib; this.Load = function (msgWho, pageID, proximityObj) { //set the current speaker thisAs = msgWho; //find a character sheet thisCharacter = findObjs({ _type: "character", name: msgWho, })[0]; //determing if running as GM roleGM = (msgWho.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) ? true : false; //find a token on map if not GM if (thisCharacter) { thisToken = _.chain(findObjs({ type: 'graphic', pageid: pageID, represents: thisCharacter.id })) .reduce((m,o)=>{ let dist=0; if(proximityObj){ dist = Math.pow(o.get("top") - proximityObj.get("top"),2) + Math.pow(o.get("left") - proximityObj.get("left"),2); } if(dist<m.dist){ m.pick=o; } return m; },{pick: null, dist:100000}) .value().pick; } //clear any previous attributes thisAttrib = undefined; } this.Whisper = function(SendAs, SendMsg) { sendChat((SendAs === null ? thisAs : SendAs), "/w " + thisAs.split(" ")[0] + " " + SendMsg); } this.Announce = function(SendMsg) { sendChat("character|" + thisCharacter.get("_id"), "/em " + SendMsg); } this.InRange = function(obj) { var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(thisToken.get("top") - obj.get("top"),2) + Math.pow(thisToken.get("left") - obj.get("left"),2)); return (distance > statusDoors.interactRange * 70) ? false : true; } this.HasSkill = function(attribName) { thisAttrib = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _characterid: thisCharacter.get("_id"), name: attribName, })[0]; try{ if (isNaN(thisAttrib.get("current")) || thisAttrib.get("current") <= 0) throw "character attribute <= 0 or NaN"; return true; } catch (err) { return false; } } this.SkillLevel = function() { try { return (isNaN(thisAttrib.get("current"))) ? 0 : parseInt(thisAttrib.get("current")); } catch (err) { return 0; } } this.IsGM = function() { return roleGM; } this.CharacterSheet = function() { return thisCharacter; } this.MapToken = function() { return thisToken; } this.OnPage = function() { return thisToken.get("_pageid"); } } //=========== events ========== on("chat:message", function (msg) { //handle only player commands var cmdNames = ["!OpenDoor", "!CloseDoor", "!PickLock", "!RemoveTrap", "!FindTraps"]; if (msg.type !== "api" || cmdNames.indexOf(msg.content) === -1) return; //selection must be a single item try { if (msg.selected.length !== 1) throw "multiple items selected"; } catch (err) { return; } //load the door control var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); if (!door.Load(msg.selected[0]["_id"])) return; //load the player var pc = new PlayerControl(); pc.Load(msg.who, getObj(msg.selected[0]["_type"], msg.selected[0]["_id"]).get("_pageid"), door.Icon()); //do nothing if not playing as a Character or GM if (!pc.CharacterSheet() && !pc.IsGM()) { pc.Whisper("GM","Please set your 'AS' drop option to a character first."); return; } if (!pc.IsGM()) { //verify character has token on the map if (pc.MapToken() === undefined) { pc.Whisper(null, "I don't have a token on this map."); return; } //verify character token is close enough to the door if (!pc.InRange(door.Icon())) { pc.Whisper(null, "I am too far from the door to do that."); return; } } switch(msg.content) { case "!OpenDoor": door.Open(pc); break; case "!CloseDoor": door.Close(pc); break; case "!PickLock": door.PickLock(pc); break; case "!RemoveTrap": door.RemoveTrap(pc); break; case "!FindTraps": door.FindTraps(pc); break; } }); //player chat commands on("chat:message", function (msg) { //handle only GM commands var cmdNames = ["!ObjectList","!DoorsLink","!DoorsResetUse","!DoorsAllOpen","!DoorsAllClose","!DoorsAlign","!DoorsCount","!DoorsDeleteAllLinks","!SideID","!DoorsTableUpdate"]; if (msg.type !== "api" || msg.who.indexOf(" (GM)") === -1 || cmdNames.indexOf(msg.content) === -1) return; var pc = new PlayerControl(); pc.Load(msg.who, null); switch(msg.content.split(" ")[0]) { case "!DoorsLink": //make sure three items are selected try { if (msg.selected.length !== 3) throw "invalid selection"; } catch (err) { sendChat("Doors", "/w GM Select a graphic named 'Switch', a graphic named 'Door' and a path to use as a wall."); return; } //set up count variables var linkSet = {}; linkSet.SwitchID = []; linkSet.PathID = []; linkSet.DoorID = []; //identify each type of selected _.each(msg.selected, function(obj) { try { var o = getObj(obj["_type"], obj["_id"]); if (o.get("_type") === "graphic" && o.get("name") === "Switch") { linkSet.SwitchID.push(o); } else if (o.get("_type") === "graphic" && o.get("name") === "Door") { linkSet.DoorID.push(o); } else if (o.get("_type") === "path") { linkSet.PathID.push(o); } } catch (err) { } }); //verify only one of each type role in selection if (linkSet.SwitchID.length !== 1 || linkSet.DoorID.length !== 1 || linkSet.PathID.length !== 1) { sendChat("Doors", "/w GM Select a graphic named 'Switch', a graphic named 'Door' and a path to use as a wall."); return; } //add the selected as a door AddSwitchControl(linkSet.SwitchID[0], linkSet.DoorID[0], linkSet.PathID[0]); break; case "!DoorsResetUse": _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { obj.UnlockAttempts = {}; obj.TrapFinding = {}; obj.TrapDisarming = {}; obj.TrapFound = false; }); sendChat("Doors","/w GM All doors have been reset to 'never been seen' status."); break; case "!ObjectList": _.each(msg.selected, function(obj) { try { log(getObj(obj["_type"], obj["_id"])); } catch (err) { } }); break; case "!DoorsAllOpen": var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { door.Load(obj.SwitchID); if (door.OnPage() === Campaign().get("playerpageid")) door.Open(pc); }); break; case "!DoorsAllClose": var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { door.Load(obj.SwitchID); if (door.OnPage() === Campaign().get("playerpageid")) door.Close(pc); }); break; case "!DoorsAlign": var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { door.Load(obj.SwitchID); if(door.OnPage() === Campaign().get("playerpageid")) { obj.Left = door.Icon().get("left"); obj.Top = door.Icon().get("top"); obj.Rotation = door.Icon().get("rotation"); obj.Width = parseInt(door.Icon().get("width") / 4); obj.Height = parseInt(door.Icon().get("height") / 4); door.Control().set({ left: obj.Left, top: obj.Top, rotation: obj.Rotation, width: obj.Width, height: obj.Height, }); } }); break; case "!DoorsCount": var iDoors = 0; var iLocks = 0; var iTraps = 0; var iHidden = 0; var iErrors = 0; var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { if (door.Load(obj.SwitchID)) { iDoors++; if (door.IsHidden()) iHidden++; if (door.IsLocked()) iLocks++; if (door.IsTrapped()) iTraps++; } else { iErrors++; } }); sendChat("Doors","/w GM Doors:" + iDoors + ", Locked:" + iLocks + ", Trapped:" + iTraps + ", Hidden:" + iHidden); if (iErrors > 0) sendChat("","/w GM There were " + iErrors + " doors that did not load properly."); break; case "!DoorsDeleteAllLinks": _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { getObj("graphic", obj.SwitchID).set("layer","objects"); getObj("graphic", obj.DoorID).set("layer","objects"); getObj("path", obj.PathID).set("layer","objects"); }); state.DoorControls = {}; sendChat("Doors","/w GM All door links have been deleted from state. No doors will function until relinked with !DoorsLink command."); break; case "!SideID": try { if (msg.selected.length !== 1) throw "selection error"; var obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]["_type"], msg.selected[0]["_id"]); sendChat("Doors", "/w GM SIDEID: obj [" + obj.get("name") + "] is set to side: " + obj.get("currentSide")); } catch (err) { sendChat ("SIDE", err); } break; case "!DoorsTableUpdate": //make sure we have one door image selected if (!msg.selected || msg.selected.length !== 1) { sendChat("Doors","/w GM Select a single door graphic"); return; } var newDoor = getObj("graphic", msg.selected[0]["_id"]); if (newDoor.get("name") !== "Door") { sendChat("Doors","/w GM Selected door must be named 'Door'."); return; } //update all doors' 'sides' to selected door's 'sides' var iErrors = 0; _.each(state.DoorControls, function(obj) { try { thisDoor = getObj("graphic", obj.DoorID); thisDoor.set({ //imgsrc: decodeURIComponent(newDoor.get("sides").split("|")[thisDoor.get("currentSide")]).replace(/med\.png/g, "thumb.png"), imgsrc: getCleanImgsrc(decodeURIComponent(newDoor.get("sides").split("|")[thisDoor.get("currentSide")])), sides: newDoor.get("sides"), }); } catch (err) { iErrors++; log("Error updating door " + obj.DoorID); } }); //display results of update if (iErrors === 0) { sendChat("Doors","GM Table images updated sucessfully."); } else { sendChat("Doors","Table images updated, but " + iErrors + " error(s) occured."); } break; } }); //GM chat commands on("change:graphic", function(obj) { //only reset a valid switch var o = state.DoorControls[obj.get("_id")]; if (!o) return; //keep the switch in place try { obj.set({ top: o.Top, left: o.Left, rotation: o.Rotation, width: o.Width, height: o.Height, layer: (obj.get(statusDoors.doorType) === statusDoors.doorTypeHidden) ? "gmlayer" : "objects", aura1_color: "transparent", aura2_color: "transparent", lastmove: "", statusmarkers: "", }); } catch (err) { } }); //prevents switch movement on("destroy:graphic", function(obj) { try { var o = state.DoorControls[obj.get("_id")]; if (!o) return ; //move door back to objects layer try { getObj("graphic", o.DoorID).set("layer","objects"); } catch (err) { } //move wall back to objects layer try { getObj("path", o.PathID).set("layer","objects"); } catch (err) { } //remove data from state delete state.DoorControls[obj.get("_id")]; sendChat("Doors","/w GM A door control has been deleted. Associated controls have been moved to the objects layer."); } catch (err) { log (err); } }); //remove link in state when switch deleted on("change:graphic", function(obj) { //do nothing if not a character if(obj.get("represents") === "" || state.DoorControls[obj.get("_id")]) return; //check controlledby for character var pcSheet = getObj("character", obj.get("represents")); if (pcSheet.get("controlledby").replace("all","") === "") return; //load the player var pc = new PlayerControl() pc.Load(pcSheet.get("name"), obj.get("_pageid"),obj); //dm cannot detect secret doors if(pc.IsGM()) return; //no proximity check needed if no skill if (!pc.HasSkill(statusDoors.attribFindHidden)) return; //find all secret doors on the same page as the token var secretSwitches = findObjs({ _type: "graphic", _pageid: pc.OnPage(), aura1_radius: statusDoors.doorTypeHidden, }); //check detection for each hidden door var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); _.each(secretSwitches, function(secretSwitch) { if (door.Load(secretSwitch.get("_id"))) door.DetectSecret(pc); }); }); //check movement for proximity to secret doors //=========== functions ========== var AddSwitchControl = function(thisSwitch, thisDoor, thisPath) { //use the switch as a reference ID in state var thisID = thisSwitch.get("_id"); //pair items in state data state.DoorControls[thisID] = ({ SwitchID: thisID, PathID: thisPath.get("_id"), DoorID: thisDoor.get("_id"), Left: thisSwitch.get("left"), Top: thisSwitch.get("top"), Rotation: thisSwitch.get("rotation"), Width: thisSwitch.get("width"), Height: thisSwitch.get("height"), }); //set additional state variables state.DoorControls[thisID].UnlockAttempts = {}; state.DoorControls[thisID].TrapFinding = {}; state.DoorControls[thisID].TrapDisarming = {}; state.DoorControls[thisID].TrapFound = false; //set default values for locks as traps thisSwitch.set({ bar1_value: statusDoors.isUnlocked, bar1_max: "0", bar2_value: statusDoors.trapNone, bar2_max: "0", aura1_radius: statusDoors.doorTypeVisible, aura1_color: "transparent", aura2_radius: statusDoors.doorSideBoth, aura2_color: "transparent", gmnotes: "PC has triggered a trap.", }); //format the switch to default role settings thisSwitch.set({ layer: "objects", isdrawing: true, showplayers_name: false, showplayers_bar1: false, showplayers_bar2: false, showplayers_bar3: false, showplayers_aura1: false, showplayers_aura2: false, playersedit_name: false, playersedit_bar1: false, playersedit_bar2: false, playersedit_bar3: false, playersedit_aura1: false, playersedit_aura2: false, controlledby: "all", }); //move the door graphic to the map layer thisDoor.set({ layer: "map", }) //move the lighting path to the walls layer thisPath.set({ layer: "walls", stroke: statusDoors.DoorPathColor, stroke_width: 5, fill: "transparent", }); try { var door = new DungeonDoorControl(); if (!door.Load(thisID)) throw "could not load new door"; sendChat("Doors","/w GM Door has been successfully linked. ID:" + thisID); } catch (err) { sendChat ("Doors", "/w GM ERROR: " + err); } } //adds trio as a door control //=========== non-essential ========== on("chat:message", function(msg) { cmdName = "!CleanUp"; if (msg.type !== "api" || msg.content.indexOf(cmdName) === -1) return; _.each(findObjs({ _type: "graphic", name: "Switch"}), function(o) { o.set({ layer: "gmlayer", width: 140, height: 140, top: 70, left: 70, }); }); _.each(findObjs({ _type: "graphic", name: "Door"}), function(o) { o.set({ layer: "gmlayer", width: 140, height: 140, top: 70, left: 70, }); }); _.each(findObjs({ _type: "path", stroke: statusDoors.DoorPathColor, stroke_width: 5, fill: "transparent"}), function(o) { o.set({ layer: "gmlayer", top: 70, left: 70, }); }); });